WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft | 1.21.4 icon

WeaponMechanics | Guns in Minecraft | 1.21.4 -----

A New Age of Weapons in Minecraft

Version: 4.0.5
Perdon por preguntar aqui pero alguien sabe como es el tema de las recargas me aparece infinitas y supongo que debe haber una forma de que los usuarios deban craftearlas o comprarlas en la tienda no? algunos errores y mensajes de WARN en la consola con las armas que destruyen bloques pero lo solucione quitando esos archivos

Version: 4.0.3
its genuinely is one of the best weapon plugins out there, was testing it for a server idea and it did not fail me whatsoever, would recommend over gunshell/qualityarmory tbh! heres to hoping it stays updated in the future! the ADSing and everything is very very smooth, also hoping more weapons get added!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 4.0.3
I fondly remember using CrackShot and CrackShotPlus as a kid. Over a decade later, this plugin has proven itself as a worthy successor to both. It is immensely customisable, the performance is brilliant - even with 100+ players online - and there is even an API. Well done to the author; this is certainly one of the best plugins out there.
Author's response
Glad to hear we are a worthy successor! Thanks for the review :)

Version: 3.5.3
The pineapple in the pineapple pizza, the best guns plugin you could ever find (spent a year comparing guns plugins)
Very customizable, easy to use and to the point! Is soft on the server, no bugs and never laggy :o

Gun textures are identical to the actual guns (3D weapon, not 2d pixelated), you dont need mods to see the textures :o
Have been using this plugin for like 4 months, currently making different types of weapons
Author's response
if you like pineapple on pizza, then this review is very true. Otherwise, everything here is a lie. Thanks for the review!

Version: 3.5.3
the plugin is just amazing! but please add hand animation if possible
(when holding the gun & reloading etc..)
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 3.5.2
great plugin for servers that needs gun
and one of the best plugin support i ever seen
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 3.5.2
A very good and customizable plugin. However, there seem to be a 0.2 sec of delay to register the player right clicking their mouse to shoot. I attempted to ask support, but the problem still remained unresolved.
Author's response
Oh, just answered this in Discord. Looks like you sent your last message on Discord at 6:25, then came here 12 minutes later... Thank you for your patience!

Version: 3.4.13
Plugin is very good, but please move to plugin PacketEvents, beacuse protocollib is shit
Author's response

Version: 3.4.9
The fact a plugin so amazing like this exists and is also free is so amazing! Creator, the only thing I have to say is you've gained my trust on your future projects!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! I hope you enjoy all of my projects.

Version: 3.4.9
I really enjoy using the WeaponMechanics plugin, especially the special effects and the shooting mechanics are fantastic. However, I have a small issue: how can I adjust the crosshair to keep it as the default Minecraft crosshair?
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

That's a resource pack thing, you can remove it and then upload it to your own resource pack host.

Version: 3.4.7
This is the best gun plugin I have seen for minecraft! The only thing I want from this is more guns!
Author's response
Glad you enjoy it! :)

Version: 3.4.0
This is the best gun plugin I have seen for minecraft! The only thing I want from this is more guns!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 3.3.3
I simply love this plugin, but I'm waiting for support for 1.20.6, when will it be available?
Author's response
It is now available, but be careful! 1.20.6 changed a lot internally.

Version: 3.3.3
I hate the block regeneration when using any explode weapon. How to disable block regeneration?
Author's response
You join discord for support, instead of leaving negative reviews

Version: 3.3.3
10/10. Plugin is a bit difficult to configure and there are not enough default examples. But all this is more than compensated by the capabilities of the plugin.
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 3.3.3
player that are not op can't trow the guns and other objects i really like the plugin but with this problem i can't use it
Author's response
My friend, click e to open you inventory. Join discord for support.

Version: 3.3.0
Why does it say .zip? It's amazing to use, a little hard to configure but that's ok
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

open the .zip file

Version: 3.3.0
Hey friend, your plugin has seriously leveled up the server experience!
I really want to spread the word about it and introduce it to more people. So, can I get your permission to post it on PixelBBS? It's a new and popular Minecraft forum in China.
I'll definitely credit you as the original author and include the original link in the post. I'd really appreciate it if you could give me the green light.
Thanks a million!
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

No thanks, "funny tank man" users can already download the latest version for free on GitHub. I can't handle the large volume of free support requests in different languages.

Version: 3.3.0
Peak plugin, 11.73/10 would use on any server. Must have the cosmetics addon, incredibly useful. Can't wait to see further updates :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 3.2.10
Amazing Plugin! Although i would have liked for this plugin to be available on aternos. Me and my friends have decided to use it on our own server hosting. If random users ask on how to use the plugin on aternos, couldn't you simply just ignore them?
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 3.2.10
If I want to have all the weapon mechanics features, which plugins should I buy?
Author's response
Thanks for the review! WeaponMechanics comes with all of its features unlocked... There are no paywalls to using the base plugin. If you want to extend its features, you can check out my other plugins (some are free!): https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/authors/cjcrafter1.447051/

Version: 3.2.7
After updating the plugin for a while, the guns that used to work no longer work and the placeholders no longer work. I have not changed the syntax in any way, but I am getting syntax errors.But This is Super Great Ultimate Very Good Great Excellent Plugin. By JP
Author's response
Depends on what version you updates from. The 2.0.0 had significant breakages, and the 3.0.0 had considerable breakages. Easiest solution is to regenerate your configs. Otherwise, join discord for help.

Version: 3.2.0
says 1.12.2 to the latest version but when running a server on 1.19.3 the mechanics core does not boot up as it says 1.19.3 isnt supported only solid numbers like 1.18 1.19 etc are supported
Author's response
A false review. No message ever says anywhere that "solid numbers" are supported. Use the latest minor update for each major update. e.g. use 1.19.4

Version: 3.1.7
Wait, you can't install this on Aternos now? And when i suggest it it says "Plugin creator does not want his plugin on our platform". Why? I remember previously using it on my older Aternos server. What happened?
Author's response
I do not want WeaponMechanics on their platform due to users asking me weekly how to install the plugin on Aternos. I simply could not handle to volume of support requests due to the shitty software made by Aternos. If you want to run WeaponMechanics, you need to buy a server or run a server. Aternos is not, and never will be, supported.

Version: 3.1.3
Hi, I have a problem with Weapon Mechanics, I can do damage with nothing but sniper rifles.
Author's response
Could be any number of things, including using an outdated server version, world guard, etc.

*Join our discord for support*

Version: 3.1.1
Excellent plugin! Easy to configure, high performance, highly customisable and a good customer support. What more can you ask for?
Author's response
Thanks for the review! But we all know you're lying about that easy to configure bit ;)

Version: 3.1.1
This plugin is really good. I sincerely recommend it to everyone... And thanks to the creator of this.
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 3.0.7
Great Plugin. Love that its open source and free. Support is good, especially for a Free Plugin. There's no reason to dislike this plugin, especially with all the addons. Good job CjCrafter :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 3.0.7
I don't understand why it's not working i already installed ProtcolLib, MechanicsCore and WaponMechanics on my plugin folder but it not working can you tell me why?
Author's response
Could be any number of things, including not using the correct ProtocolLib version, incorrect server versions, a conflicting plugin, etc.

*This is why we do not use reviews for support. Join our discord for support*

Version: 3.0.5
I know there are lots of Gun Mods out there, but this is truly one of the best! Keep up the good work!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Always more coming :)

Version: 2.6.9
The amount of features you get in this plugin for free is amazing, the best gun plugin i've come across. Keep up the good work and I'm definitely going to buy the WeaponMechanicsPlus plugin once it is out!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Glad you are enjoying the plugin.

Version: 2.6.9
The plugin is okay, but if you use it for an extended period, you'll notice that more and more bugs start to appear. Let's not talk about support – they rarely respond to messages, and when they do, their responses are quite unpleasant and sometimes involve insults directed at me and other Discord members. When you ask them a question, they seem to have no idea how to respond and often reply with a simple 'wait patiently'... Unfortunately I have to post this review because it seems these individuals are incapable of providing adequate support. I believe that to create a plugin, you also need to know where you're pasting that plugin otherwise, it ends up in this kind of state. Thank you for taking the time to read this far!
Author's response
^Smartest SpigotMC server owner.

Maybe one day people will respect open-source developers. Maybe.

Version: 2.6.9
Really love the weapons, feels great to use and haven't seen any bugs yet, too bad making weapons and resource packs its too complicated for my 2 braincells to comprehend.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.6.9
Excellent plugin, the API is very well made and let you completely manage the plugin, the config is completely understandable despite it's complicity and the wiki is rich of useful informations, keep up the good work!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 2.6.9
Plugin is not bad, but the support for it is very bad, I have to wait more than 24 hours for a simple question, and as an answer I get 'you have it on the wiki page', of course before that I checked the whole wiki and I didn't find anything, that's what I told them but I didn't get any answer.
Author's response
Actually, I responded to your post (3:03 PM) at 3:32 PM. Pretty good response time imo, especially for a free plugin!

I told you where the information was and you ignored me. I only returned the favor (and I'd do it again <3).

Version: 2.6.5
Excellent plugin and great support from developers. Released quick patch for my problem in under 24h
Author's response
Thanks for the review, and glad we got everything sorted! :)

Version: 2.6.5
Very good gun plugin, since I have been quite well deployed in 1.19.2 version, so can only use the backward 2.5.5 version, hope to add back the new version of 1.19.2 support for these versions
Author's response
1.19.4 is supported. 1.19.2 is not.

Version: 2.6.5
Amazing Plugin, But a bit complicated and lacking a few things i would have liked.
Author's response
Make it simple, people are upset. Make it complicated, people are upset. We have a wiki and support.

Version: 2.6.1
the only gun plugin I trust, super flexible, super fast, well documented and new features always coming out
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 2.6.1
Hello this Plugin is Really Good but can you make resource pack for bedrock because it's Really Need it because When i join bedrock is a feather can you make it

Thank you
Author's response

I write plugins; resource pack is just an added bonus.

Version: 2.5.10
very good plugin, although why is it linking to an external resource when the download is DIRECTLY on the spigot page?
(it can be added to aternos without the need for external download)
Author's response
4/5 might be a bit unfair. We link to our GitHub, since the plugin is open source. You can always download the most recent version from there.

Version: 2.5.9
The irrefutable king of gun plugins. If you want to have any level of quality firearms on your server this plugin is a blatant must; there are no alternatives. WM has it all from an enormous list of features to constant support and updates. Any serious dev wishing to create any kind of firing weapon should be using this plugin.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! This man is the reason why you all have good VR support, send your thanks his way.

Version: 2.5.9
very well done, but my server is to slow for the RPG, will try it later on a stronger one
Author's response
Thanks for the review! If your server can handle a tnt explosion, it can DEFINITELY take an RPG explosion. Do you mean the client-side FPS? You can turn off the falling blocks in the config for that.

Version: 2.5.6
I have been using this plugin since its release, and I can say that it is a great plugin. It has a lot of features, yet the configuration is simple enough that even those who are not programming savvy can create firearms with no problem. In addition, the developers and community are very friendly and helpful.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! (And for the donation, your feature is coming soon)

Version: 2.5.3
Literally the best plugin for creating super realistic weapons in Minecraft ! And this is highly customisable ! I know there will be some updates to add content to the plugin so I didn't put 4 stars.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 2.2.10
Great Plugin! Also My Ear Is Bleeding Too!
Tho There's Some Bug It Spam My Log When Player Shoot The Block
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Yeah... guns are loud; wear ear plugs. Support is available in the discord link.

Version: 2.2.6
Very cool plugin under battle royale will there be more weapons?
10/10 would be cool if there were even more weapons
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.2.0
Ammunition doesn't seem to work, guns deal same damage to defenseless and full netherite player
Author's response
Support is available in our discord.

Version: 2.2.0
It looks like a really good plug-in I should try one question how do
I get guns? Commands,creative or craft because I wanna do so you can’t get the guns without admin or op(owner) if I can do so no structures or no craft guns I would try it Btw does it work to paper 1.19.2 bc my server is on that?
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Support is available in our discord.

Version: 2.2.0
Very clean experience, easy to use and seems really fun.
Thanks for this great gun plugin
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.1.3
A nice plugin that supports MythicMobs. Currently waiting for support for 1.19.4 :D
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Support for 1.19.4 will be added soon.

Version: 2.1.3
Let the people who want to customize waste time, not waste time for those who want to standard product.
Author's response
Skill issue tbh

Version: 2.1.3
I am making CS:GO in Minecraft server and this plugin helps me very much, but i have a question, is there way to upload my own skins (if i already modeled it) into this plugin. i want to do like there will be ak-47 default and ak-47 aziimov, is there somehow way to do it? if no, it could be a great if you do this in that plugin, that's all, thanks for a plugin!!!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

WeaponMechanicsCosmetics has skin feature which allows that

Version: 2.1.3
2023 ja homma vaan etenee, on se seppä! kuulin et supercraftia oltii taas ddossattu, koko kauhajoen netti oli kaatunu :(
Author's response
Haha good old times ;D

Version: 2.1.3
I actually was quiet amazed by their job with this plugin, the mechanics so much better than every weapon plugin I tried, there's more to be improved but the direction is amazing and I hope you gonna keep maintain it (:
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 2.0.0 BETA
One of the few plugins that deserve the label "Masterpiece". If you want weapons and what follows that theme on your server, there's no better choice than this.

Every aspect of it is customizable. It's user-friendly if you are willing to actually read the wiki, which is also very well written.
Amazing API, excellent code structure, and also you can't say anything bad about the performance.

Props to the devs, keep it up!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.14.11 BETA
this is the best of all the existing weapon plugins for minecraft. I'm really looking forward to new addons and updates
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.14.3 BETA
This plugin is beyond 5 stars.
Performance 10/10
dev support 10/10
worthiness 10/10
DeeCaad and CJCrafter is the best plugin developer that I have ever seen. Everything is perfect and amazing performance. I can say this is innovation and nobody can copy their work.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.14.2 BETA
Fantastic plugin, continued support and features through new MC updates. Very helpful and responsive Dev team on the discord and crazy ambitious discord community.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.14.2 BETA
This plugin is very good, but there is a problem with the zoom amount not being adjusted
Author's response
Support is available in discord

Version: 1.13.2 BETA
Big Daddy DeeCaad's WeaponMechanics plugin is a hugely great addition to my events network. It works seamlessly with my custom network core and any other plugins I need and on any version that I host events on.

His support team is quick to respond and very helpful indeed. Gold-Star service!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.11.9 BETA
After playing around with this plugin for the past month I can honestly say that this is the best gun plugin, especially for 1.16+
It's highly configurable, easy to understand and adapt, and the Devs are very active on their discord, updates, fixes and additions are very frequent.
Absolutely worth downloading if you plan on adding guns to your server! (And I recommend the cosmetics addon too if paying is an option for you)
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.11.8 BETA
This plugin is extremely configurable; it allows one to change every single aspect of their guns and projectiles, even down to the drag that projectiles experience while it is raining! The documentation is comprehensive, the API is fantastic and the authors are very quick to fix reported bugs. Simply put, this plugin is the definitive successor to CrackShot and is superior in every way.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.11.0 BETA
I like the think that this plugin is constantly updated and I think it is the best plugin for made a "crackshot-type" server with the newer versions
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

There is also nearly full CrackShot conversion tool to make the switch from CrackShot to WeaponMechanics easier. It also supports CrackShotPlus.

Version: 1.11.0 BETA
Hello the guns in this plugin are great but the scope is really bad i suggest adding a texture for a spyglass in the texture pack and then putting it as a scope for the sniper
Author's response
Support is available in discord

Version: 1.9.10 BETA
Great plugin for single player, only problem is the weapons dont deal any damage to other players in pvp
Author's response
Support is available in discord

Version: 1.9.7 BETA
Great job, new feature very cool (particles). But i be very cool if ammo be integrated as default (Like for just pre-made weapons - pre-made ammos config)
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

You can use wiki to add ammo for weapons. We might at some point add pre-made configurations for ammo also.

Version: 1.9.5 BETA
Simple and Powerful Plugin for weapons in minecraft.
No more need to create several configs to make a gun!
I can't wait for WM Addons!!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.9.5 BETA
Its just PERFECT! I waiting new additions like Ammo and textures for traces .
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Ammo is already added, and particles are on their way (waiting for approval)

Version: 1.9.5 BETA
I wonder if it will develop into a more powerful gun plugin than crackshot and crackshopplus in the future? If so, I'd love to pay for it, even if it turns into a premium resource in the future
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

WM already can do much more than CS & CSP, but it lacks some features from them still. They will be implemented in time.

Version: 1.9.4 BETA
The best plugin in this category. Excellent and responsive developers. It would be great if you added particle traces and attachments.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

WeaponMechanicsCosmetics is currently waiting for approval. WeaponMechanicsPlus will include attachments system when it comes out.

Version: 1.9.1 BETA
If you were an avid user of Crackshot or similar in the past, I can safely say that this plugin is the future of snowball / arrow flinging plugins. This plugin is a complete upgrade in almost every way, and even if it is currently missing the features you need or want, the developers are still working on the plugin and adding features quite regularly! This plugin has *actual* support (quite fast, as well.) Whatever you're looking to use this plugin for, download it. It will not disappoint!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.8.8 BETA
this plugin is so good because i am korean but it is easy to use
and i can make a beautiful Gun
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.8.8 BETA
works great but is there an option to get the plugin without the texture pack and get it separated otherwise works great
Author's response
Support is available in discord

Version: 1.8.7 BETA
This plugin is perfect for who needs to create a server where there are weapons that shoots and thing of this type. I've seen that it is very customizable, there are a lot of functions and the support is actice. I suggest you to use this
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.8.2 BETA
Fantastic plugin, and only going to get more advanced over time.
Currently doing most of my testing on 1.18.2 and 1.19.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.8.2 BETA
its a good plugin, but for some reason, some weapons not have textures, like flashbangs, semtex, etc, im on 1.19
Author's response
Not all default weapons have textures

Version: 1.8.2 BETA
For example, it can be displayed in the chat bar. 。
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.8.2 BETA
The mechanics of the plugins are very well and it could be better if it hs attachment system.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.7.1 BETA
Just the best weapons plugin anywhere. Runs smooth and is so fucking fun. 10/10 to this resource and to the author.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.7.1 BETA
It's a really nice plugin, a big shoutout to the developers for making this. Great!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.7.1 BETA
I added the 2 plugins from the zip folder and the plugin shows in red and is disabled. My server is on paper 1.16.5 running on java 16
Author's response
Support is available in discord

Version: 1.7.1 BETA
I've been working on my server and I think this is a nice addition to it.
I'll give 5 starts if you add pro skills api support.
Author's response
If you have feature request, do it in Github

Version: 1.7.1 BETA
Solid alternative to more well-known weapon plugins. Plugin is in beta, so bugs are expected, but the active dev appreciates feedback and quickly patches issues. Highly recommended if you need the little tweaks and added flexibility missing from mainstream FPS plugins.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.7.1 BETA
The best as a plugin, and the developer! Quick fixes and response!

Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.7.1 BETA
Best !
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.6.3 BETA
This is honestly the best weapon plugin, it has incredible and realistic physics, I totally recommend it on a server, I hope they add more weapons, 20/10 and Totally free!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.6.2 BETA
how do i shoot the guns i dont know how please help i want to murder my friends i really need to bomb peaople
Author's response
Support is available in Discord: https://discord.gg/ERVgpfg

Version: 1.5.5 BETA
This is the best plugin for weapons, I have not seen such functionality anywhere else. You are a genius and a talented developer, thank you very much for such a diligent work done <3
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.5.3 BETA
I have used plugins by this developer for years and have never had issues. The care and attention he's been pouring into this free plugin is astounding, and while it is a little incomplete at the moment I am confident it'll soon establish itself in a league of it's own. 10/10, highly recommend.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.0.0 BETA
Can I have the link for resource pack? All-round good plugin Highly recommend, :}
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

The resource pack is generated into WeaponMechanics folder on startup. You can also download it from GitHub since this project is open source.

Version: 1.0.0 BETA
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.0.0 BETA
Great plugin. CrackShot is venerable but showing its age. It's refreshing to have a modern, high-performance guns replacement.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.0.0 BETA
Lots of painstaking care and work went into this! I can see the mountain of effort that went into making this.
Author's response
Thanks for the review and contributions to the project! :)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 94,195
First Release: Feb 10, 2022
Last Update: Jan 21, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
90 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
Version -----
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