Config revisions:
~ Fixed Fast Place not flagging sometimes cause I'm dumb
~ Fixed rare Flight/Ground Spoof false positives when you die on a boat
~ Added getScaffoldViolations() and getTimerViolations() to the API
~ Fixed a rare console error caused by BadPacketsD and the webhook
~ Added permission to bypass setbacks - vulcan.bypass.setback.(checktype) (for example vulcan.bypass.setback.speeda)
~ Fixed potential Elytra A false positives from objects with extremely high knobkack
~ Slightly improved Hitbox B
~ Fixed Motion G false positives with Boss plugin
~ Fixed random Scaffold M false positive idk
~ Fixed Fast Break false positives with infested blocks
~ Added %cps% placeholder to violations.txt file
~ Improved performance of alert handler slightly
~ Fixed Jump A false positive jumping on fence afk water thingy
~ Fixed slow falling false positives with Motion D
~ Fixed Aim K false when on 0 sensitivity cause I forgot = sign
~ Fixed Ground Spoof A false with levitation
~ Fixed rare error from Boat Fly A
~ Updated GSit dependency to remove a console warning onEnable
~ Fixed Scaffold checks not working properly when facing certain directions
~ Added Motion H, experimental