~ Added %ping% and %tps% placeholders to punishment commands
~ Fixed PlaceholderAPI not working in punishment commands
~ Improved Entity Speed A boat handling with water
~ Fixed Wall Climb false positive with trapdoors
~ Fixed issue with people being punished multiple times on bungeecord
~ Added compatability with GSit
~ Fixed Ground Spoof (Type D) false positive with towering
~ Removed debug message (blame retrooper)
~ Reimplemented portions of the manage checks GUI for 1.17 servers, only AnvilGUI parts will now not work instead of the whole thing
~ Fixed error in the default config which prevented the webhook from working
~ Fixed rare Jump (Type A) false positives on join
~ Added description, server name, client brand, client version, and ping/tps fields to punishment webhooks
~ Fixed Fast Climb false positive with cobblestone walls