Vouchers+ | V1.1.5
Vouchers+ V1.1.5 Introduces the all new preview command, as well as a number of all-round bug fixes.
1. Voucher Preview Command: Users with the permission node
vouchers.preview.command can now utilise this all new command to pull up a preview window without needing the physical voucher:
/vouchers preview [VoucherID]
Additionally, admins can force the preview window to open for any player in-game with variation:
/vouchers preview [VoucherID] {PlayerName}
2. Bug fixes regarding HEX color codes in certain messages, GUI-related console errors, and Voucher Prize Weights
Note: As always, new updates can be subject to bugs, my DM's are ALWAYS open, feel free to contact me through one of the following means:
Discord Direct DM: uhFinn#0001
Discord Support Server
Or, feel free to message me through spigot!