Vouchers+ | V1.1.4
Vouchers+ V1.1.4 is a massive update with TONS of new features!
1. Voucher Importer: OPs ingame can now use the all-new
/vouchers import command to import vouchers from a variety of other voucher plugins.
Infinite Vouchers, and
Plenty more will be added to this in the future, hopefully this new feature makes moving vouchers from your old plugin to Vouchers+ just a little easier!
Note: If you would like for a voucher plugin to be added to this list, please request it through our discord support server.
2. Updated Confirmation Settings: Confirmations are now processed on a per-voucher basis.
For each voucher you can configure whether they should have no confirmation, a message confirmation, or even a GUI confirmation!
To add confirmations to your voucher, include the following YML in the primary area of your voucher file:
Code (YAML):
# Whether to present the user with a confirmation message/gui to confirm their use of the voucher
# This field may be set to either: disabled, message, gui
: gui
3. Voucher Redemption Delay: You can set an overall delay between your voucher being clicked and being redeemed using the new following YML delay setting in the primary area of your voucher file:
Code (YAML):
# The delay between clicking the voucher and receiving rewards (in ticks - 20 ticks = 1 second)
# If this setting is not included, the delay will default to 0
# This setting can also be included inside of specific rewards
: 20
4. Reward Redemption Delay: You can also adjust the delay for receiving specific rewards in your voucher by including the
Delay setting within the reward area of the voucher file!
5. Bug Fixes & Performance Improvements
Note: As always, new updates can be subject to bugs, my DM's are ALWAYS open, feel free to contact me through one of the following means:
Discord Direct DM: uhFinn#0001
Discord Support Server
Or, feel free to message me through spigot!