Not compatible with DiscordSRV (and possible other dependent plugins)
Expect an incremental patch 8/25 afternoon.
New speak permissions for channels!
Code (Text):
color: red
chatcolor: red
mutable: false
filter: false
autojoin: true
default: false
distance: 0
cooldown: 0
bungeecord: true
alias: announce
permissions: None
speak_permissions: announcement
format: '&f[&aServer Announcement&f] {vault_prefix} {player_displayname}&c:'
If the new 'speak_permissions' line is missing, it will default to no permission required.
Muting has been improved and the unmute task should be working again. The interval has been increased from 1 second to 1 minute to reduce lag and the task itself has been optimized as well. There are some new localized messages for muting in the Messages.yml to be sure to check them out! Your old Messages.yml file will be renamed so don't fret it you see a new one. The newly generated file has all of the new messages in it, while your old file has been saved and renamed!
As always, let me know if you run into any issues!