For all those running beta builds, I appreciate the feedback I've received but after squashing many bugs in the past couple versions, it's finally time to release a stable version of VeinMiner for Minecraft 1.13. This build is runnable on the
latest version of Bukkit or Spigot 1.13, therefore you should update your server to the most recent build using BuildTools if you have not already done so.
- Added "acacia_wood", "birch_wood", "dark_oak_wood", "jungle_wood", "oak_wood" and "spruce_wood" to the default configurable Axe blocklist
- Added 6 new aliases between "x_log" and "x_wood" for all 6 variants of logs
- Changed what type of veined block data is sent to bStats. Registered block IDs are now sent rather than capitalized material names
- Fixed "AIR" being added to the block list ultimately resulting in unnecessary block destruction
- Fixed blocks which were listed under an alias also breaking non-veinmineable blocks (i.e. vein mining minecraft:oak_log would destroy nearby sand and dirt even if not listed under the alias
- Fixed durability not being properly depleted on tools when vein mining (#3 on GitHub)
- Fixed enchantments not being respected (minecraft:unbreaking, minecraft:silk_touch and minecraft:fortune)
- Fixed vein mined blocks not being logged to block logging plugins such as CoreProtect (#2 on GitHub)
- Fixed VeinMiner not respecting world protection plugins such as WorldGuard, GriefPrevention, etc.
Once again, thank you to everyone who ran the beta builds. If you are still running a beta build, I cannot stress enough that you should update to this build of VeinMiner as soon as possible. This is more stable than previous builds and there should be absolutely no reason to stay on the betas. Beta builds for my other plugins will be released in the near future. Thank you for your patience with this large update.
I would like to remind everyone that
I am accepting donations. While not mandatory, it's always greatly appreciated

Also, VeinMiner is still
open sourced. Please do contribute if you feel it's necessary as those are always welcome. As always, Javadocs for VeinMiner can be found at