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VeinMiner -----

Minecraft Forge's VeinMiner recreated for Spigot servers.

Per-tool toggles, DisabledWorlds, restructuring, and more
Yea, that's right. We're going Minecraft version label style. VeinMiner 1.10, here we come! :p

* Added permission nodes for each individual tool under the "veinminer.blocklist.list" permission
* |-> Parent: "veinminer.blocklist.list.*", Example: "veinminer.blocklist.list.TOOL_NAME/ALL"
* Added a "DisabledWorlds" configuration option to disable VeinMiner completely in certain worlds
* VeinMiner is now toggleable per tool. "/veinminer toggle [tool]".
* |-> It is an optional parameter, you can toggle all tools on and off by simply not specifying a tool name
* You are now unable to specify an Item ID to be added to the Blocklist. This should probably make more sense
* Minor restructuring to the block breaking listener
* Fixed a couple more memory leaks
* Fixed the per-tool permission nodes not registering properly. NOTE: They are "veinminer.veinmine.TOOL", and not "veinminer.veinminer.TOOL"
* Unregistered unused permission nodes; yet again
* API: Added isVeinMinerEnabled() methods in the VeinMinerManager for simplicity sake
* API: Modified the toggle methods to specify VeinTool parameters as well
* API: Changed the "setVeinMinerEnabled()" methods to "toggleVeinMiner()" with boolean parameters instead
----------, Jul 13, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,047,280
First Release: Sep 9, 2015
Last Update: Nov 9, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
80 ratings
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Version -----
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