- Fixed display of bets after restart in DoubleRoulette mode.
- Added new mode -
Double Roulette
- Fixed block break event for versions <= 1.16.5
- Added more comments to describe functionality in the config
- Added table model and textures to 2 resource packs
- Added options for more convenient installation of resource packs for the plugin.
Developers GUI resource pack enable: false
Developers tables resource pack enable: false
If you do not have it installed yet!!!, in this case, you can simply activate these 2 options and the Vegas plugin config will change all the necessary fields for the resource pack to work. All coefficient options and other things will be saved!
- Fixed Tictactoe playerInventoryClose event.
- Added an option in the config to process defeats using the specified commands.
- Fixed poker fold command.
- If the table block in your hand has a mode texture, then the table by standard will have only this specific game.
- Tables can now be placed point-blank without problems with the texture itself.
- Fixed /casino create command for textured tables.
- Fixed InventoryView error
- Added support for 1.21.4
- Fixed speed of darts
- Chip refunds now is enabled by default
- During changes in 1.21.3, added fix for enchantment_glint_override
- Added support for versions 1.21.2 and 1.21.3
- Added option to disable hoppers and chests for chips
- Added italian language.
- Fixed casino set game command.
- Changed some standard parameter values in the config
- Added the ability to process commands when a player wins.
There are two modes:
the player receives chips and commands;
or only receives commands
%bet price%
- Added more sessions to the poker.
- Edited some poker functions - it you found bugs, use previous version
- Added page return from the game to the Main GUI
- The work of the plugin restart command has been changed. All classes load changes that occur in the configs.
- The number of mines in the minesweeper has been increased (for medium and hard mode)
- The system for recognizing custom worlds has been simplified to remove the bug of unloaded worlds.
- Changed DiscordSRV channel definitions from id to name from DiscordSRV config(example "global")
- Added more text line to the Poker mode.
- Fixed BlackJack double button.
- Added reject sound for double button.
- Fixed Left click + Shift click in the Poker mode.
- Added more check to the Poker mode.
- Reduced Darts time for game and increased rolling speed
Due to some bugs, I had a desire to rewrite the poker mode when I return from vacation. It will be September 2. Until this time, you can make all your suggestions and remove any errors that arise there. One session will be allocated for poker, as was previously the case.
- Changed the order of checks in the code to reduce potential loads.
- Fixed return chips in the Dead Mans Chest mode
- Fixed the return of minesweeper chips.
- Added closed card to the dealer. It will be visible to active players on the next step.
- Fixed implementation to the 1.21
- Fixed bug after 1.21 update (InventoryView Fix)
- Switched from 32 to 64 bit values.
- Fixed RockPaperScissors 3 figures mode.
- Fixed BlackJack chip disappearing.
- Fixed chance to give an item in the DeadMansChest.
- Fixed chips refund in the Minesweeper mode
- Added new mode -
- Changed BlackJack to more familiar to the real one
- Fixed TicTacToe
- Added fix for the experimental versions of kernels (except spigot)
- Added support for 1.20.6
- Names and lore of decoration items were hidden in 1.20.6
- Added support for 1.20.5
- Fixed blackjack "duplication window"
- Fixed bug when player bets chips < 1$ and coefficient doesnt count correctly
- Fixed title fields in the message config (es.yml)
- Fixed ru message config.
- Fixed armorstand duplication
- Fixed win/loss statistics when the player had a full nickname. consisting of numbers.
- Fixed plane duplication in the crash GUI.
- Added tamil language
- Added Czech language
- Fixed duplitaction of the lever on low speed in the Crash mode
- Fixed textures in poker mode.
- Fixed barrier return in blackjack mode.
- Fixed table rotation (with tables resource pack)
- Added game duration to the Dart game.
- Added min chip value to start to each game.
- Added chat notifications to the Poker game.
- Added more null check to the Crash and TicTacToe modes.
- Added ability to disable statistics count in the config to increase tps.
- Added ability to enter optional channel to the DiscordSRV.
- Added more comments in the config to understand some fields.
- Added jack, queen, king, ace cards to the BlackJack mode.
- Added ability to add another items to the GUIs.
- Added plugin's resource pack. (
- Fixed bug in the Poker mode.
- Added ability to open game immediately in the "One game table".
- Added ability to remove lever in the Crash mode.
- Changed card deck.
- Added ability to use chips with different Custom model data and materials.
- NMS changed to multi versions project.
- Added support for 1.20.3
- Added ukranian and chinese languages.
- Added ability to disable texture force update.
- Fixed model pick up, when player stay above a block
- Fixed rotation of the textured table
- Added /casino shop command
- Fixed skull meta for 1.20.2
- Added support for DiscordSrv. Victory/Defeat/Little victory/Jackpot messages.
- Decreased delay to the Dice mode.
- Added functionality for adding models for casino machines.
- Added resource pack.
- Added a number of crash checks in poker mode.
- Added support for 1.20.2
- Fixed darts mode.
- Fixed classic mode.
- Added a parameter to the config for forced loading of worlds.
- Added the ability to set the names of the worlds for forced loading.
- Added the ability to change game names. At the command level.
- Added one more parent command - guigames. Now you can use casino, vegas or guigames
- Fixed roulette mode.
- Fixed Dice mode.
- Fixed sale of chips by direct clicking in the inventory.
- Fixed Dice mode.
- Fixed crash with named worlds.
- Fixed bug of menu overlay on another menu. A bug was called when renaming the menu title and following the command /vegas reload.
- Fixed Dice bug.
- Drop items disabled by default
- Fixed purchase of chips when player's inventory is full.
- Fixed won money in the statistics.
- Roulette 48-64 slots fixed
- Fixed craft for planks, buttons and another recipes with 1 item.
Write to my discord to get previous java version if:
1)You have previous version and dont want to change anything.
2)You want stable version
- Added support for 1.20
- Added more features to adjust the balance in the config.
- Added more items for custom model data (Resource packs).
- Added internal economy. It can be enabled, or it will be enabled if your server does not have Vault
- Added shop-exchanger (for selling items or for another chips).
- Added a number of placeholders.
- Added menu for placeholders.
- Improved readability of configs.
- Improved config auto-update system.
- Changed how the roulette wheel works. Winning has become more difficult. Motion animation is now smoother.
- Added new game mode -
- Jackpot simplified. Now it has chance and min - max coefficients.
- Added abiblity to change concrete and carpet colors to each casino block type.
- You can change drop list to each casino block type.
- Separate configs for versions 1.12.2 and newest - removed.
- Improved HEX colors for any text.
- Fixed issuance of coefficients when using the city system.
If you want to get FUTURE MAJOR UPDATE - write me in the discord.
- Fixed single mode icon with disabled animation.
- Added support for 1.19.4.
- Removed the ability to put chips in the shulker.
ATTENTION! On version 1.20, a major update will be released, which will completely replace configs, messages, and more. Be ready!
The old version can be downloaded from Discord.
- If it is impossible to add chips to the inventory - they will fall out
- Correction of config values.
- Adding a number of values to memory to reduce requests
- Added the ability to remove the poker inscription in poker mode.
- Added changes due to the change of methods paper 1.19.3
- Added check for an empty session in blackjack
- Added check for null amount ot item.
- Fixed exit from racing mode at the countdown stage.
- Fixed inability to select button in blackjack.
- Fixed accounting of wins in roulette for writing to the database.
- Added check for database connection after update via plugman
- Downgraded java version to run stable on 1.12.2-1.15.2
- Changed the taking of players' heads from the server for improved display. (for pirate servers)
- Trent table double animation fix
- fixed /vegas game <game> tab completer
- Added support for 1.19.3
- Added the ability to influence the balance of the crash mode.
- Fixed display bug in the dead mans chest
- Removed the delay when leaving the match leading to additional chips
- Fixed a number of shortcomings with the work of single modes and with the return of chips.
- Jackpot added. Depends on the price of 1 and 3 chips. 1/4 of all losses go to the jackpot pot. With a small chance, the player can get it multiplied by the coefficient of his bet. The higher the bet, the higher the jackpot. The rest of the mechanism is not disclosed.
Improved checking for dupe with the wheel in the creative by nbt tag when the parameter is enabled in the config
-Improved the mechanism for preventing dupe chips when the parameter is enabled in the config
- Removed custom model data for 1.12-1.13.2
- Fixed dupe chips in the creative if it disabled in config.
- Fixed replacing the poker icon with a head.
- Fixed a number of inaccuracies in the Dead Man's Chest mode.
- Added poker jack, queen, king, ace name in message config
- Now you can edit cross/circle for another heads and for another materials if you have troubles with geyser
- Added polish language
- Added custom model data for game icons
- Fixed bugs in custom model data
- Fixed the order of parameters in the config (ru,de,fr)
- Added the ability to change rock paper scissors into 3 shapes.
- Added the ability to change bet slot from barrier to another material
- Added custom model data for general items (chips, activators and etc.)
- Fixed grindstone error on 1.12.2
- Blackjack null exception
- Creating 0 chip by /casino bet 0,00001 1
- Removal of a chip, when returning to a full inventory
- Removing an enchantment from a chip in grindstone
- Craft dye from chips
- Added force close to open menu twice.
- Fixed crash when trying to /vegas reload.
- Fixed another row card disappearing in poker.
- Added additional checks for null objects
- Added
DEFAULT colors to gui panes
- Removed auto-update from older versions
- The weight of the plugin has been reduced by 2 times.
- Added check for empty characters in the lore.
- Added 1.19 version support
- Added custom hex color support (1.17 - ...)
: #00FF00YourText
- Added spanish language.
- Reworked the win mechanism in stairs. Reduced chance of winning and odds.
- Added the ability to specify the <price> tag in the chip name.
- Removed old interversion updates.
- Simplified method for selecting materials on new versions and on version 1.12.2
- Added a hint for new buyers in the config to optimize the plugin for big online. This is a comment in the config, including what options to disable.
This update can not be downloaded for those who bought earlier!
• Improved auto-completion of parameters in the config when updating the plugin from one version to another.
• Fixed a bug when entering a table with one game.
• Change delays in poker
Added a new mode -
Poker (BETA)
Added the ability to change the glass panels in the menu.
• Fixed texture panel names.
• Fixed minor inaccuracies when winning on 1.12.2
• Added the ability to get statistics on wins, losses and winning, losing amounts to MySQL
• Fixed dealer coeff in blackjack.
• Changed output of coefficients in dead mans chest
• Paypal purchase is temporarily unavailable. Payment methods are indicated in the discord.
• Added new version - 1.18.2
• Fixed a bug with races, with missing descriptions.
• Added ability to change ice and ball in PYRAMID mode.
• Added a message about buying a chip. It can be removed by simply putting a void -> ""
• In races, you can change the description and name of the horse.
The next mode (with a 70% chance) is poker. Wishes about the main design, write to the global chat in the discord group.
• Due to the fact that the Vault API does not work on all 1.18.1 kernels, vault has been added to the plugin itself. Now the plugin weighs 200 kb more.
• Fixed double bet in Blackjack.
• Added the ability to remove item drops in Dead Man's chest mode. Set -> {}
• Removed a dependency to make it easier to add multiversion item names. For 1.12.2
If everything works for you - do not install
• BlackJack fix for dealer.
Fixed taking glass on 1.13.2 (AirPlane)
If everything is stable for you - do not install the update!
Fixed work on paper 1.12.2 (Breakage of the table texture).
• Changed the standard chance in the dead mans chest mode.
• Added the ability in the config to return the chips to the player when he made a bet without starting the game and closing the inventory.
• Fixed a number of bugs in Blackjack when closing.
• Bug fixes for 1.17.1 (Chips fix)
• Fixed bug on paper 1.18.1
• Fixed a bug when closing null inventories and clicking in them.
• Fixed crash mode mechanism. Now scrolling does not start from starting the server, but directly from entering the inventory of 1 player.
• Improved the mechanism for the appearance of a salute upon victory.
Old chips will stop working
Chip creation mechanism changed.Now the token cannot be forged by /lore or /name.
In the config, it is now possible to restrict the game to players in the creative, so that they cannot copy the chips with the mouse wheel.
The principle of animation of icons in the casino GUI has been changed. Now 1 cycle is created for all players, with an open inventory. That will help unload the server load. In the future, all cycles will be replaced
• Added
/vegas reload
(or /casino reload) command.
• In case of victory, a salute appears in place of the table, or the player. This parameter can be enabled or disabled at the end of the config.
(the effect is visible only to the winner)
• The principle of configuring and messages setting has been changed. Now there will be 1 file in the messages folder. If you change the language in the config, an additional file with the language will be installed.
• Added missing phrases in Russian translation.
• Changed the mechanism for obtaining data from the config, for optimization.
• Added the ability to combine 2 systems. If no one owns the table, the money goes to the account of the city, or is withdrawn.
• In the city system, the money for losing and for winning now also affects the city's balance.
Reinstall config and messages for optimal performance
• Added the ability for the table owner to receive money from it.(Beta).
The table is owned by the one who set it. You can remove this in the config. If the player loses the amount at the casino, then the total amount of chips goes to the owner's account. If the player wins, the owner loses money for this amount. For optimal performance, you need to adjust the balance yourself. For the casino is set up so that the player leaves the plus if he plays for a long time. The owner cannot play at his casino
• Added
permission to open the virtual menu.
• Fixed bug with closing pyramids and subsequent crash
• Fixed a bug with getting a volcanic chest.
Added bank system. In the config, you can specify the name of the player to whose account the money will be received when the player buys chips. And money will be withdrawn from this account when the player sells it.
(if you need it - reinstall config)
• Added 1.13 version.
• Changed some sounds on 1.12
• Added the ability to change from an ender chest to any other block (preferably of the same type).
• Added the ability to register the give command via the console
• Added check for necessary plugins: vault + economy.
If they are absent, a message will be displayed in the console without crashes
• Added a scenario in blackjack if the player and the dealer hit 21 with 2 cards. The prize is divided in half
• Added support for customizing inventory in 1.12
• Fixed bug with table disappearing after restart (1.12)
Update only under 1.12. Nothing has been added for new versions
• Improved the principle of issuing the remainder of winning chips.
• Increased delay to prevent players from reaching the barrier.
• Improved timing by 1.12.
You don't need to reinstall anything
• Fixed permissions.
• Fixed bug with selling custom tokens.
• Added the ability to remove and arrange items in the menu.
• Added the sound of taking a token.
Fixed work of access rights
• Changed blackjack timings.
• Changed sounds in pyramids, drums on 1.12.
• Changed the principle of session selection.
• Changed description in some parts of the plugin.
• Fixed roulette delay on 1.12.2.
• Changed the sound of losing and winning in drums.
Not required for installation.
• Added new mode -
(beta) - means that bugs may be present in this mode, since a session has been added. An infinite number of players can play this mode at the same time. On this basis, the author has no way to check for errors. In which case, you can add permissions to this mode only for trustworthy players.
In addition, the mode will be refined over time.
• Fixed bug with double scrolling in classic.
• Reinstalled on Maven.
• Added new support version - 1.12.
If you had the plugin installed, you can skip it.
• Fixed permissions.
• Fixed a bug with getting dropped items.
• Added command
/casino menu. Permission ->
• Added victory message(if you downloaded it early, add this line to config ->
Send victory message: true
and to en.yml ->
Win Message: '&5✦ &eYou won <price> &6⛀ &5✦').
• Fixed bug in crash mode.
• Simplified event watchers for unloading and optimization purposes.
• Fixed bug in classic mode.
• Added a description line in lore to the slot machine.
• Added a new mode -
Description: A crash-like mode. But in this case, whoever bets higher has a higher chance of winning. If you made a bet of 10 coins, and other players for 1000 or more, then there are chances of winning, but they are very low
• Added a command to sell all the chips in the inventory -
/casino sell
Reinstall all files except tableinfo.yml if you had the plugin installed
• Added the ability to use the
/vegas command instead of
• Added the ability to change the location of items in the menu, as well as the ability to put heads
• Fixed bug with switching modes in roulette.
Delete config.yml, if you installed early.
If you notice bugs - write.
• Fixed bug in Crash game (with chip)
• Fixed bug on table breakage after several restarts in a row.
If you have spigot, paper and everything else except cuberite - you don't have to update.
• Changed the delay of calling particles, for servers on bungee
• Improved worldguard protection.
• Added support for Russian, in the future and German language.
• Added command help.
• Added the ability to limit the table to only one game.
• Added the ability to sell a chip by right clicking in the table menu.
You need to reset all old files in vegas folder.
If you notice bugs - download previous version!
• Fixed a bug with table breakage after placing an enderchest nearby
• Fixed a bug with the ability to pick up chips at the end of the crash game
• Added command for issuing chips ->
/casino give <nick> <chip price> <amount>
Permission: casino.give
• Added a command to open modes with a command ->
/casino game <game name>
Permission: casino.commandgames
• Chip purchase command changed ->
/casino bet <chip price> <amount>
Permission: casino.bet
• Fixed a bug with selling nothing.
• Fixed support for economy plugins.
• Added the
/casino bet <price> command. By entering this command, the player buys a chip of any amount and can bet it, as well as sell it in the game menu. To allow the purchase of chips, you must add permission
(dupes are possible, write if you notice)
• Win rounding changed.
• Added a command to select the type of table -> /casino create <table name>
• Fixed bet bug in Crash mode.
• Added new mode -
• Added animations for each table.
• Changed the sounds of winning, hitting darts.
• Added and changed some values in the config.
• Changed description of all modes.
• Fixed bug with hoppers.
If you already had the plugin installed - demolish the old tables and completely delete all plugin files, including the Vegas folder and install the plugin over a new one!
• Added Tab support.
• Added the ability to put some restrictions in the config.
• Added 4 new table colors.
• Fixed a bug when it was possible to put in empty slots.
• Added to the config the ability to change the description of items in the "pyramid" mode.
• Fixed a bug with scrolling an item through empty slots.
• Added link discord server to config.
• Added messages op.
If you have already downloaded the plugin - deleted config.yml, and then install the new version
• Removed several dup scripts.
• Added worldguard stand protection.
• Fixed bug with pistons.
• Added discord group for support.
• Fixed a bug with buying coins when the inventory is full.
• Fixed bug with restart.
• Fixed bug with dead zones.
• Fixed bug when chips were not picked up.
• Added a micro-delay for updating inventory. Fix getting items dishonestly
• Temporarily removed packages from 1.17
• Fixed bug with table breakage after restart.
• Fixed bug with stands breakage.
If you notice bugs - write.
• Fixed bug with table breakage after restart.
• Fixed bug with stands breakage.
If you notice bugs - write.
• Fixed bug with table breakage after restart.
• Fixed bug with stands breakage.
If you notice bugs - write.
• Fixed bug with table breakage after restart.
• Fixed bug with stands breakage.
If you notice bugs - write.
• Fixed bug with table breakage after restart.
• Fixed bug with stands breakage.
If you notice bugs - write.
• Fixed bug with table breakage after restart.
• Fixed bug with stands breakage.
If you notice bugs - write.
• Fixed bug with table breakage after restoring.
• Fixed bug with stands breakage.
If you notice bugs - write.
• Added version 1.17.1
If you notice bugs - write!
• Added version 1.16.5
If you notice bugs - write!
• Added version 1.16.4
• 1.16.5 isnt working
If you notice bugs - write!
• Added version 1.15.2
If you notice bugs - write!
• Added version 1.14.4
If you notice bugs - write!
• Added version 1.13.2
If you notice bugs - write!
• Added version 1.12.2
If you notice bugs - write!
• Darts delay fixed
• Table setting fixed
• Fixed a bug with the destruction / taking of items from armor stand.
• The animation of the object on the table has been temporarily removed.
• Reworked lottery balance.
The plugin works on version 1.16 - 1.16.4 due to the fact that the plugin for economy (Vault) does not work properly on 1.16.5