ValhallaMMO [1.19-1.21.4] icon

ValhallaMMO [1.19-1.21.4] -----

From Realms SMP! Addictive and engaging RPG-skills, built to keep players playing for longer

1.0 release! Classic content package, bug fixes, and some features!
- NEW 4 new ingredient choices, for any melee weapon, any weapon, any tool, and any armor or tool
NEW Import- and export commands. Allowing you to easily export and import recipes and loot tables. Functionality will be expanded to more config types in the future
- NEW The "Classic" recipes from alpha are back! You can get them on the wiki, and it now features a Tinkers' Construct-esque system of item upgrading!
- NEW Options to disable vanilla- or Valhalla repairing from crafting inventories
- NEW Replacement tables! Replacement tables are very similar to loot tables, except instead of adding or replacing all loot it scans loot for matching items and only replaces those items
That means that now, naturally occurring loot will get ValhallaMMO attributes! By default naturally generated items will have a 33% chance to be worse than normal, and a 67% chance to be better than normal.
- NEW 5 item modifiers, allowing you to change max stack size, hide/show tooltips, make items fire/lava resistant, show/remove an enchantment glint, and make items (in)edible as well as changing the time it takes to eat

Your resource pack will need to be updated to accommodate these changes! This can be done with /val resourcepack setup

- FIXED Issue with woodcutting where non-carpentry recipes weren't actually locked, causing inconsistencies with crafting. (requires woodcutting_progression.yml reset)
- FIXED Issue where "any armor" ingredient choice would accept any item instead of just armor, causing recipes using it to break
- FIXED ConcurrentModiciationException that sometimes occurs
- FIXED Furnace recipes not functioning at times
- FIXED Unarmed damage multiplication not actually adding damage
- FIXED Issue where taking damage often ignored region restrictions
- FIXED Immersive recipes not working properly when switching to another recipe
- FIXED "Experience cost and consumption" modifier granting experience instead of removing
- FIXED The stat format of "mining luck" or "digging luck" modifiers using percentages instead of numbers
- FIXED Tags not being removed if their levels hit 0
- FIXED Tag level modifier not allowing tag level to be reduced
- FIXED ValhallaMMO not starting up if any language other than en-us is selected
- FIXED "The Mace" not being considered a type of weapon. It's now a heavy weapon by default. The Mace can now also be configured to suffer from EXP reduction, since it does so much more damage than a regular weapon. The Mace only earns 10% of EXP by default
- FIXED Breaking blocks with an invalid tool, but it having a valid embedded tool still not dropping items
- FIXED Drilling ability (mining skill) being twice as strong as normal
- FIXED Smithing not properly upgrading item stats, and sometimes not working entirely
- FIXED Bug where "nearby block" crafting restrictions could be bypassed by just clicking the empty result slot
- FIXED Campfire recipes ignoring input filter
- FIXED Entities not getting immunity frames from campfire or suffocation damage
- FIXED "Skill exp gain" attribute not actually giving more EXP

- TWEAK Smithing and Alchemy quality now by default rounds to the nearest multiple of 10, this is to reduce inconsistent and constantly changing quality values on items.
- TWEAK Negative lightning resistance now makes lightning more likely to hit you as well! :))))
- TWEAK Immersive, cooking, and cauldron recipes now more accurately display items in the recipe creation/selection menus. Also, cooking recipes are now properly sorted.
- TWEAK Monster spawns now no longer get levels if they have a custom name do not have regular max health
- TWEAK The dynamic item modifier menu now has additional options to copy ALL existing modifiers from a given recipe or indexed item, making it much easier to copy modifiers from one place to another!
- TWEAK Damage multipliers can now be configured to be additive or multiplicative with each-other. Multipliers being additive means they scale much less fast with eachother than if they were multiplicative. For example:
When multiplicative with eachother, having +50% damage as well as 100% crit damage, means a critical hit actually does 1*1.5*2.0=3x damage

When additive with eachother, this same environment would mean you actually do 1+0.5+1.0 = 2.5x damage
----------, Aug 11, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 29,538
First Release: Aug 2, 2021
Last Update: Feb 20, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
92 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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