ValhallaMMO [1.19-1.21.4] icon

ValhallaMMO [1.19-1.21.4] -----

From Realms SMP! Addictive and engaging RPG-skills, built to keep players playing for longer

Finally, the long awaited beta update!

This update is not really an update, but a complete rewrite of alpha. I started alpha as a proof of concept and simply didn't remake it properly when I should have. But now the plugin is completely rewritten, tested, balanced, and features more and reliable... well, features.

But a heavy disclaimer is in order. Due to the nature of the rewrite, it's not compatible with alpha. That's why you should actually not update under the following conditions:
- You're using Minecraft versions 1.18 or lower (beta is 1.19+)
- You have (many) custom made recipes, or config changes made otherwise, and are not willing to remake/redo them. The old format is not compatible with the new file format.
- Existing items will not be updated to suit beta's balancing, and you're not willing to deal with alpha items lingering around in your world that are probably better than beta's items
- You enjoy the current immersive-ish form of crafting, with heated iron ingots and tempering and sharpening and all that. Beta's default configuration is made to be very similar to vanilla as to not confuse new players too much, I had this complaint a lot. I know many of you like this system, but this is how it has to be. I will be making different configuration packages in the future though among which is this semi-immersive type reminiscent of alpha.

For alpha users:
It's recommended you reset basically all of valhalla's files. That is, shut the server down, remove the ValhallaMMO folder in its entirety, and start up again.
If you have your own custom translation file, give it to me through my discord and I'll convert it (for as much as that's possible) to the new format.

ValhallaMMO's add-ons (ValhallaTrinkets, ValhallaRaces, and ValhallaKits) will also need to be updated to be compatible with beta. Their files will not need to be reset, but these plugins will have some changes or additions.

The most optimal way to use beta is to reset the server as a whole, but since I know most of you will not be willing to do that I can offer EXP conversion from alpha to beta so players don't lose progress.

Once your server has started up once with beta, shut it down again and check alpha_conversion.yml, here you can configure how much of your player's skill EXP will be converted to beta skill progress. They will have to re-unlock their perks, which will be different in beta.

Now, for changes: (big list)

BALANCE Completely overhauled skill trees and perks
BALANCE Each skill may be reset up to two times, giving the player permanent buffs for that skill in exchange for reduced EXP gain. Gives players the real means to flex their dedication.
BALANCE Completely overhauled recipes to be easier to get into for the average vanilla player

NEW Leaderboards with placeholders!
NEW Mob difficulty progression! Mobs now get harder as you get stronger, and they reward more EXP orbs!
NEW Party progression! Level up together and get buffs while in each-other's company
NEW Training dummy, test your DPS!
NEW Dual wielding! You can now wield two light weapons together for extra attack speed and attack with your off-hand in addition to your main-hand! Do keep in mind, you will not be able to parry while doing this.
NEW Noob protection, if a player is too far ahead or behind compared to you, you will not be able to fight each-other!
NEW Automatic resource pack hosting! (Does not work on all server host providers, in which case the old / val resourcepack setup is still available)
NEW Fishing skill (separated from Farming)
NEW Woodcutting skill (Separated from Landscaping)
NEW Digging skill (Also separated from Landscaping)
NEW Fishing bait item property, gives the player extra fishing luck (not implemented by default)
NEW Set bonus feature (not implemented by default)
NEW Customizable food properties
NEW /val effect command, to add custom potion effects to players
NEW /val attribute command, to give a held item a custom attribute
NEW /val potionattribute command, to give a held item custom potion effects
NEW /val give command, allowing you to give a saved custom item to players or yourself
NEW Vault integration, you can now make perks cost money
NEW Exchangeable EXP and level tokens
NEW Perks may now also be configured to cost (vanilla) experience levels
NEW Perks may now require other perks to have a certain level in order to unlock (allowing for combo-perks)
NEW Potion combining mechanic for alchemy
NEW Custom damage types and stats, allowing you to make elemental type weapons dealing fire, explosion, poison, magic, lightning, freezing, radiant(holy, good vs undead), and necrotic(wither) damage. This also means custom death messages, and you can now add your own death messages if you like.
NEW Custom potion effect indicator
NEW Enchanting stats, boosting the levels of individual enchantments
NEW Custom mining speeds!! You can now modify how fast players mine certain blocks. It's a unique system where the damage you've dealt to a block stays on said block for some time, after which it starts regenerating itself back to full health. Multiple players can also work on the same block to mine it faster! There's even a custom little admin tool you can use to change the hardness of individual blocks. Troll your stupid players with an unbreakable block of dirt for exampleNEW Furnace burn speed stat
NEW Multi-jumping and jump height stats!
NEW Lifesteal stat
NEW Shield disarming stat
NEW and probably a lot more stats i forgor

TWEAK Vastly improved recipe and loot table creators, allowing much finer recipe control
TWEAK Loot tables can now be applied on blocks, entities, villager gifts, dungeon loot, piglin trades, fishing, and archaeology.
TWEAK Loot tables can also be applied on individual items. If on an item, the loot table is triggered when clicked and the item is then consumed. It's also possible to allow the player to freely select which items they want from this loot table, allowing for neat little loot bags.
TWEAK Data storage now done through SQLite (no more player NBT)
TWEAK Custom potion effects may now be applied on food items, projectiles, and melee weapons
TWEAK Downwards leveling now works (you can give negative exp to make players level down)
TWEAK Player stats are now separated, you have PERMANENT stats and you have SKILL ACQUIRED stats. Permanent stats are, as the name implies, permanent. Any stat added to this the player will have permanently. Skill acquired stats are stats gained through leveling, these are wiped on server shutdowns and re-calculated when the player rejoins. This effectively just means that you can make balance changes to your progression configs and have these changes apply on players immediately, as well as give player stats they may utilize forever even through resets.
TWEAK Individual skills may now be reset
TWEAK The perks in skill trees may now be connected with lines that change colors depending on status
TWEAK PlaceholderAPI extension now internalized (no need to install manually)
TWEAK Each skill now has a command to show your progress in it (currently, this just results in a temporary stat dump)
TWEAK Admins can now access the skill trees of others
TWEAK Perk descriptions can now parse placeholders
TWEAK Recipes, loot tables, and language now done in JSON instead of YML
TWEAK Dynamic modifiers now have much more precise and advanced configuration options
TWEAK Treatment system replaced with numeric tags, allowing you to define your own
TWEAK Disabled recipes no longer removed from server, and can be managed with /val recipes
TWEAK Valhalla items may now be repaired within the crafting GUI without turning into vanilla items
TWEAK Multiple crafting validations may now be selected per recipe
TWEAK Furnaces, campfires, and brewing stands no longer need an "Owner" to function, assuming none of the modifiers in the recipe require a player. The owner only has to be online in case they do.
TWEAK A functional block's "Owner" is now saved on the block permanently and updated when a player interacts with it.
TWEAK Hoppers may once again interact with brewing stands
TWEAK All recipes may now have a display name and description which is shown in the recipe book
TWEAK Brewing recipes may no longer only edit the input item, and may produce a new item entirely.
TWEAK Brewing recipes' brewing time may now be adjusted
TWEAK "Immersive" recipe type GUI completely overhauled, now also shows up to 9 of its required ingredients
TWEAK Cauldron recipes may now be configured to "cook" its ingredients for x amount of time and spit out the result when it's done, instead of requiring a catalyst to be thrown in (can still be done this way though)
TWEAK "Weapon coating" mechanic improved, you now only need to drag and drop your potion of choice in your weapon of choice. It also shows the effect and the amount of charges left on your weapon.
TWEAK Custom arrows may now be fired from dispensers
TWEAK Attributes are displayed much prettier and accurately on items
TWEAK Crossbows now auto-reload if your "ammo save chance" procs
TWEAK All arrows shot by a multishot enchanted crossbow can now hit and damage the target, allowing you to have like a shotgun-style weapon. Previously this did not happen because of vanilla immunity frames.
TWEAK Armor bar now has a custom scale, scaling up to 40 armor instead of 20.
TWEAK Luck stat overhauled completely, and is now much more powerful. Each point of luck is equal to one extra roll with most things RNG related. Didn't proc your 10% crit chance? 1 luck point will now give you a second chance at critting (adding up to 19%). The reverse is also true, negative luck will roll an extra time at your disadvantage (10% becomes 1%).
TWEAK Switching hands or armor items properly updates stats
TWEAK Bleeding may now be stacked, increasing tick rate the more stacks of bleeding you've inflicted.
TWEAK "Overleveled equipment" can now debuff every attribute present on the item
TWEAK You can now gain additional fishing luck during full moons
TWEAK Explosive, incendiary, and fireball-type arrows now benefit from blasting power stats
TWEAK Replaced the mining skill's "quick mine mode" with "drilling", which gives you strong mining speed buff
TWEAK Vein-miner type abilities now break blocks much faster
TWEAK /val items overhauled, now allowing you to name items and apply dynamic modifiers on them
TWEAK Parry may now deflect projectiles
TWEAK Anvil repairing now works

PERFORMANCE Significant improvements with item-based transactions

REMOVED "Upgrades" or "Custom Enchantments", which were basically just a second form of custom attributes. Poorly thought out and redundant.
REMOVED Villager dialogue, likewise poorly thought out and weird.
REMOVED Mining's "quick mine mode" ability. Also poorly thought out and punished more than it rewarded

FIXED A whole bunch of shit I can't even list it
----------, Feb 25, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 29,538
First Release: Aug 2, 2021
Last Update: Feb 20, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
92 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings