ValhallaMMO [1.19-1.21.4] icon

ValhallaMMO [1.19-1.21.4] -----

From Realms SMP! Addictive and engaging RPG-skills, built to keep players playing for longer

The Great Balancing
Hey guys, been a while since the last update. I was preoccupied with a bunch of IRL things. In any case, I'm far from done with development and here I bring probably the biggest update yet. I hope you guys enjoy it!

Before you try this update, read through it carefully and try it out on a test server afterwards. The plugin being an alpha brings along some risks of data loss after certain actions. Try whatever you want to do on something like a localhost server first before introducing your other players to it!

NEW enchanting stat: Anvil Skill
Anvil skill is a stat that determines the player's ability to combine enchantments on the anvil, and this means that now anvils allow enchantments past their vanilla levels too now. As long as the player has the skill for it, of course. Players in creative mode will have uncapped anvil skill and are therefore able to combine enchantments past what's possible in vanilla as much as they please.
This does mean existing players will not have this stat leveled up yet, and existing configs won't even reward it, but we'll get to that at the end.\

NEW crafting recipe types, FIVE OF THEM
You can now create custom recipes for furnaces, blast furnaces, campfires, smithing tables, and cauldrons. Also, shaped crafting recipes are vastly improved, now allowing shapeless crafting as well.
Cauldron recipes work by dropping items into them and finishing with a catalyst item. This can either produce a new item alltogether, or tinker the catalyst you just threw in. By default, this is used for tempering!
Smithing tables are unique in that both the addition item and the resulting item can have modifiers executed on them, which allows for example enchantments being transferred from an enchanted item to an enchanted book. This is not utilized by default, smithing tables are just used to upgrade diamond to netherite gear.

NEW potion upgrade option: Alchemical Powder
Alchemical powder allows you to get the best of both worlds, and both extend AND empower potions. Alchemical powder is crafted using diamond dust, redstone dust, and glowstone dust. diamond dust you can craft by combining an ender pearl, blaze powder, and a diamond in a crafting grid. Hopefully alchemy should not suck now, have fun!

NEW added a bunch of recipes featuring additional equipment upgrades! Kind of like custom enchantments because they require exp, but also they're just upgrades you can do in a crafting table. You'll require special ingredients for them which you will occasionally come across while mining!

NEW added a bunch of new potion recipes! These will also require special ingredients which you largely obtain while farming or harvesting flowers and lily pads and the like! This also means the alchemy skill tree is now officially fully implemented and doesn't have any recipes that are missing mentioned

NEW major add-on! ValhallaTrinkets
ValhallaTrinkets is a new add-on which allows the player to wear accessories such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, and other things. You can make your own accessory types as well, if you like.
Get the plugin here!
Use /val setuptrinkets to import ValhallaTrinkets' default recipes, enjoy them!

FEATURE enchantment tables will now properly display the predicted levels preview
FEATURE the enchanting skill's "experience refund" stat now refunds the appropriate amount of experience points to the player, as opposed to full levels. (instead of 1-2 whole levels refunded, you'll now always be refunded 1.5 levels)
FEATURE new "unmendable" item treatment. Unmendable items cannot be repaired through mending
FEATURE new "signature" item modifier, allowing you to force items to have the player's signature in its lore
FEATURE potions can now instantly be emptied when clicked on a cauldron (toggleable in skill_alchemy.yml)
FEATURE perks in skill trees will now display additional info messages showing why the player can't unlock a perk, or if they CAN unlock a perk
FEATURE added 4 more placeholders for total armor, total light armor, total heavy armor, and total weightless armor
FEATURE vanilla furnace, blast furnace, smithing table, and campfire recipes can now also be disabled
FEATURE unlocked crafting table recipes now display in the player's recipe book as well. However, Minecraft doesn't work with certain types of ingredients with this, and so a recipe may display as uncraftable even if the player has the ingredients in their inventory
FEATURE lingering arrows recipe has been improved greatly
FEATURE implemented default salvaging recipes! To be able to salvage items the player needs to have Netherite Cutters in their inventory, after which the player will be able to salvage up to 80% of an item's worth. Does not work with vanilla gear unless you change the recipes, this is to prevent free resources through villager trades.

BALANCE significantly reduced the default effectiveness of food, increasing incentive to invest in the farming perks to gain more food
BALANCE "aspect of demeter" farming ability cooldown reduced from 5 minutes to 5 seconds
BALANCE added additional brewing speed stats to the alchemy skill tree, allowing up to 2x brewing speed
BALANCE smithing, alchemy, and enchanting now provide just 1 crafting skill point per level instead of 2, and the perks now provide more crafting skill to compensate for the reduced amount
BALANCE tree felling base cooldown reduced from 1 minute to 10 seconds
BALANCE light weapons parry cooldown reduced from 10-6s to 6-3s
BALANCE removed vein miner cooldown, enjoy your mining!
BALANCE added default perks to the "power" skill tree!
BALANCE players now start with 3 skill points from the start, able to unlock some abilities straight away. Additionally, every 5 power levels, the player gains 1 extra skill point (2 instead of 1)
BALANCE weapon damage and attack speed scalings have been nerfed greatly, now being additive instead of multiplicative. This means that especially axes are much weaker now, but it's pretty much impossible now to get weapons having 20+ base damage (i think)
BALANCE greatly buffed some default potion duration scalings

TWEAK "power" experience is no longer displayed in the actionbar
TWEAK you can now only put 1 item in the bottom slots of a brewing stand, to prevent stackable items from being mass-modified
TWEAK none of the progression configs now use "set" stat rewards, this allows admins to reward additional stats through /val reward without them being overwritten by these "set" rewards again and to prepare for backwards leveling compatibility
TWEAK some more vanilla recipes are by default now disabled
TWEAK gag rare drop (fatcoin) from digging loot table removed
TWEAK archery inaccuracy is now much less accurate, and the scalar determining how inaccurate inaccuracy should be is now configurable
TWEAK valhalla's custom math calculations are now cached, which should improve performance a little
TWEAK crafting tools now take damage and can break when used in shaped or custom recipes
TWEAK vanilla potion recipes stop being interfered with if no custom ones are registered
TWEAK if no changes were made to recipes, they will not save on server shutdown which will greatly improve shutdown time
TWEAK tree capitator will now only work if the block was not previously placed by a player, neither will sapling auto-plant
TWEAK /val resourcepack setup will now also automatically execute /val resourcepack enable
TWEAK for database users, profiles are now also saved when the player leaves the server, instead of mass-saving profiles when the servers shuts down
TWEAK certain non-block items can now be used in block loot tables, such as CARROT items being interpreted as a CARROTS block
TWEAK disable default tutorial book as i don't find it essential any more and also needs some major improvements
TWEAK added 1.19.3 to versions, so the plugin shuts up about being incompatible

FIXED reduced attack reach modifiers not correctly calculating distance, causing negative reach modifiers to hit stuff 0.5 blocks further than intended. (will nerf daggers!)
FIXED brewing stands occasionally not producing custom potions
FIXED exploding arrows not damaging blocks when hitting certain block faces
FIXED issue where "tree capitator instant pickup" option was missing from the landscaping skill config.
FIXED landscaping "Felling III" ability not reducing ability cooldown despite stated
FIXED shift-left clicking also activating overdrive, making it difficult to use
FIXED "unlocked for everyone" for shaped recipes still not working
FIXED "block interact conversions" such as the ones used in landscaping were unable to break tools, which lead to them unintentionally getting negative durability which then leads to unintended repairing mechanics
FIXED custom recipes requiring a custom tool not having their placeholders properly replaced
FIXED vein-miner like abilities not rewarding the player experience for the blocks broken
FIXED items in brewing stands disappearing when clicked with items that couldn't stack with it
FIXED swift sneak not scaling with player level
FIXED enchantment, smithing, and alchemy scaling upper and lower bounds being ignored
FIXED throwables such as snowballs or eggs or potions not flying when thrown by a non-player entity, or if alchemy was disabled
FIXED issue where tree capitator could break connecting log types even if they were not unlocke by the player
FIXED issue where the item dictionary was basically being spammed full of brewing ingredients (sorry!)
FIXED issue where enchanting profiles could not be persisted to a database

How to install??
I honestly recommend starting over, pretty much completely.
Remove the ValhallaMMO folder, back-up any recipes you've made and maybe import them later with the / val import command. Also back up your language file if you've made lots of changes to it.
Replace the plugin jar in your plugins folder and start your server.

If you want your players to all receive a soft-reset when they join, which means they'll be reset but they get their EXP back, follow the next step also.
Shut your server down again and go to config.yml. There you should see an option called profile-version and it should have a number. Set this to anything else, like 1 or something idk. Save, and start your server again.
Any player that still has an old profile version will receive a soft reset
----------, Feb 5, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 29,538
First Release: Aug 2, 2021
Last Update: Feb 20, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
92 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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