Universes icon

Universes -----

A multi-world plugin for 1.14+

Small Bug Fixes...and Discord?
Hello everyone!

Today I bring a small update. First, I addressed the "world full" bug a lot of you have been experiencing. Thank you to those who sent in screenshots of /uinfo and server logs to help me investigate when you had this issue. I have written deactivated code to change the way the playerLimit disabled state looks and works. However, I have left it unimplemented for the time being because I now know what why it is happening--the player counter is decremented to -1. However, I do not know why this is happening. So, before the new code is implemented, I have added a log statement that will will appear in console whenever the counter is decremented. If you encounter this bug, please send me your logs. With this statement appearing, I will be able to pinpoint exactly when the bug happens and what conditions cause it so I can properly fix it.

The second and final fix of this update is to Spawnify. For those that use it, you will find a new option in the config. If you want to use Spawnify, but still want players to respawn at, say, a spawn set with Essentials, you can toggle this new option and it will disable Spawnify's respawning system.

I also have an announcement to make! I have put together a small Discord server for everyone. It will (hopefully) be the new help and support home for all my plugins (even plugins not available yet on SpigotMC). Bug reporting will be on the server until I can set up issue tracking on GitHub. Not only that, but I will stream dev work from time to time and host some fun stuff like game nights. You all should check it out: https://discord.gg/pSBKafQ
----------, Oct 19, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,585
First Release: Jun 6, 2019
Last Update: Jun 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
32 ratings
Find more info at discord.gg...
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