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Universes -----

A multi-world plugin for 1.14+

Bug fixes
Hello everyone!

As seems to be the usual, I'm releasing a bug fixes update just after the new version release. This was initially going to be Universes 4.0.1, but the I decided the complexity/amount of fixes warranted a larger version number change.

So, what are the fixes?

Well, first off, the /universeconvert (/uco) command saw significant reorganization. Not long after the release, one of the plugin's users, whom I've become acquainted with, updated the plugin on his server. His server is fairly sizable. 150-ish active players. When he ran the convert command, he received a thread dump stating that the server had stopped responding, and his server crashed. After some digging and experimenting, I discovered that the conversion process can take a lot longer than I expected, and that the command hogs up the main thread, preventing anything else from happening on the server. This has been fixed by using what is called multithreading. Basically, when the command runs, other threads are created to run other sections of code.This allows the server to move on and do other things while the conversion continues in the background. I also discovered that the conversion for each player takes about 10-20 seconds. So, this process can take anywhere between a few seconds (if the server is small) and several hours (if the server has more and a couple hundred players).

The second pub to be fixed had to do with the PlayerJoinEvent handler. Previously, when the plugin is loaded, after the default worlds load, it would database entries for them, but it would not instances of the new Universe class for them. So when the join event handler tried to increase the number of players in a world, it was trying to do so with something that didn't exist. This has now been corrected.

The third bug to be fixed was related to the Allow PVP option in the World Settings GUI. I had forgotten to modify the coding handling pvp, so it was still reading the value from the file when it should've been reading the value stored in the Universe instance for that world. Thus, the Allow PVP toggle had no effect. The code has been fixed, and the toggle is functional.

Lastly, the first join spawn. When doing the rewrite, I forgot to put the feature back in. There was an option in the config, and the /usetspawn command was working, but nothing handled the joining. Not only has the feature been fully reimplemented, but I fixed a small bug. When the first join spawn is used, players joining would be invisible until relogging or teleporting. The teleport now happens in a task executed by BukkitScheduler#scheduleSyncDelayedTask. Now, players should no longer be invisible.

I apologize for any inconveniences these bugs may have caused you. I would've liked to have fixed these in the Universes 4.0 release, but sometimes I forget to test some of the more minute parts of the plugin. It is just me working on this after all.
----------, Aug 4, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,585
First Release: Jun 6, 2019
Last Update: Jun 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
32 ratings
Find more info at discord.gg...
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