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Universes -----

A multi-world plugin for 1.14+

More bug fixes
So, remember how I said I squashed them all? Well, I was wrong. I discovered a few more bugs and squashed them. So let's get into it.

- One final bug with xp. If the use of respawWorlds was enabled, it would get xp data from the wrong file. This has been fixed.

- Stats retrieval error. When you died, the plugin would save all your stats accordingly. That means, in that world you have 0 health. If you tried to teleport back there or the respawnWorld sent you there, you would immediately die again. This has been fixed. If heath is 0, both it and hunger will be set to their maximum of 20 as usual.

- save-inventory-on-death is no longer an option. With the changes to the respawn event handler and the removal of the player death event handlers, the save-inventory-on-death option in the config became obsolete. No matter what, the inventory saves when you respawn. So, if your inventory was empty on respawn, it will save empty, if keepInventory is on, your items don't drop when you die, thus all those items will be saved. As a result, the plugin no longer needs to be concerned with that, so the option was pointless. It may still appear in the config file, but it can be safely removed. The option will not appear in newly generated config files.
----------, Mar 22, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,585
First Release: Jun 6, 2019
Last Update: Jun 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
32 ratings
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