enabled: true
item: "GOLDEN_PICKAXE" name: "&eMiner TP" slot: 4
layer: 20
# the minimum Y layer to register a player how a miner lore: -
"&bOpen a gui for a player in %y% layer"
Code (YAML):
noPlayers: "&cThere is no player in the layer %y%" inventoryTitle: "&0Player in layer %y%" nextPage: "&aNext Page" backPage: "&cBack" userItemName: "&eMiner" userItemLore:
- "&7Nickname: &b%player%" - "&7Layer Y: &b%y%"
Code (YAML):
# # ██╗░░░██╗██╗░░░░░████████╗██████╗░░█████╗░░██████╗████████╗░█████╗░███████╗███████╗ # ██║░░░██║██║░░░░░╚══██╔══╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔════╝ # ██║░░░██║██║░░░░░░░░██║░░░██████╔╝███████║╚█████╗░░░░██║░░░███████║█████╗░░█████╗░░ # ██║░░░██║██║░░░░░░░░██║░░░██╔══██╗██╔══██║░╚═══██╗░░░██║░░░██╔══██║██╔══╝░░██╔══╝░░ # ╚██████╔╝███████╗░░░██║░░░██║░░██║██║░░██║██████╔╝░░░██║░░░██║░░██║██║░░░░░██║░░░░░ # ░╚═════╝░╚══════╝░░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░╚═╝╚═╝░░╚═╝╚═════╝░░░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░╚═╝╚═╝░░░░░╚═╝░░░░░ # #Plugin created by LostString #UltraStaff: Version 1.7-SNAPSHOT config:
staffchat_format: "&7[&bStaffChat&7] &a%player_name% &7>> &9%message%" staffchat_format_discord: "&7[&bStaffChat&7] &0(&3Discord&0) &a%player_name% &7>> &9%message%" execute_command_on_disconect_frozen: true
frozen_disconnect_command: "ban %player% Refuse SS" freeze_cooldown: 10
# cooldown to send "alertfrozen" message in seconds alerts:
disabled_worlds: -
"mines" -
"spawn" # List of blocks that will alert the staff. You can get the blocks from: blocks: -
"EMERALD_ORE" # if is enabled, players in vanish can't break/place/drop/pickup blocks vanish_restrictions: true
report_system: true
staffmode: # if is enabled, players in staffmode can't break/place/drop/pickup blocks restrictions: true
enabled: true
item: "CHEST" name: "&bInvsee" slot: 0
lore: -
"&bSee player inventory" freeze:
enabled: true
item: "ICE" name: "&bFreeze" slot: 1
lore: -
"&aFreeze a player" # Require world edit world_edit:
enabled: true
item: "WOODEN_AXE" name: "&cWorld edit" slot: 2
lore: -
"&cWorldEdit axe" navigator:
enabled: true
item: "COMPASS" name: "&bNavigator" slot: 3
lore: -
"" randomtp:
enabled: true
item: "ENDER_PEARL" name: "&9Random TP" slot: 5
lore: -
"&cTeleport to a random player" fly:
enabled: true
item: "FEATHER" name: "&3Fly" slot: 6
lore: -
"&aEnable &bor &cDisable &bfly" vanish:
enabled: true
item: "GREEN_DYE" item_disabled: "RED_DYE" name: "&5Vanish" slot: 7
lore: -
"&aEnable &bor &cDisable &bvanish" cpscheck:
enabled: true
item: "CLOCK" name: "&aCPS Check" slot: 8
lore: -
"&bCheck the cps of a player" minertp:
enabled: true
item: "GOLDEN_PICKAXE" name: "&eMiner TP" slot: 4
layer: 20
# the minimum y layer to register a player how a miner lore: -
"&bOpen a gui for a player in %y% layer" discord:
enabled: false
token: "YourBotToken" status: "ONLINE" activity:
name: "Minecraft" ## types: DEFAULT, WATCHING, COMPETING, LISTENING type: "DEFAULT" staffchat: "CHANNEL ID" staffchat_discord_format: "**STAFF** %player% >> %message%" logs_channel: "CHANNEL ID" reports_channel: "CHANNEL ID" send_logs:
commands: true
join: true
leave: true
report: true
title: "New Report" description: "" color: "#FFFFF" footer:
text: "Powered by: UltraStaff" icon_url: "" fields:
- name: "Player:" value: "%player%" inline: false
- name: "Reported:" value: "%reported%" inline: false
- name: "Reason:" value: "%reason%" inline: false
- name: "Date:" value: "%date%" inline: false
title: "Join log" description: "" color: "#FFFFF" footer:
text: "Powered by: UltraStaff" icon_url: "" fields:
- name: "Log:" value: "%player% has joined to the server" inline: false
title: "Leave log" description: "" color: "#FFFFF" footer:
text: "Powered by: UltraStaff" icon_url: "" fields:
- name: "Log:" value: "%player% has leaved to the server" inline: false
title: "Command log" description: "" color: "#FFFFF" footer:
text: "Powered by: UltraStaff" icon_url: "" fields:
- name: "Log:" value: "%player% has used a command" inline: false
- name: "Command:" value: "%command%" inline: false
Code (YAML):
# # ██╗░░░██╗██╗░░░░░████████╗██████╗░░█████╗░░██████╗████████╗░█████╗░███████╗███████╗ # ██║░░░██║██║░░░░░╚══██╔══╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔════╝ # ██║░░░██║██║░░░░░░░░██║░░░██████╔╝███████║╚█████╗░░░░██║░░░███████║█████╗░░█████╗░░ # ██║░░░██║██║░░░░░░░░██║░░░██╔══██╗██╔══██║░╚═══██╗░░░██║░░░██╔══██║██╔══╝░░██╔══╝░░ # ╚██████╔╝███████╗░░░██║░░░██║░░██║██║░░██║██████╔╝░░░██║░░░██║░░██║██║░░░░░██║░░░░░ # ░╚═════╝░╚══════╝░░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░╚═╝╚═╝░░╚═╝╚═════╝░░░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░╚═╝╚═╝░░░░░╚═╝░░░░░ # #Plugin created by LostString #UltraStaff: Version 1.7-BETA messages: # plugin prefix prefix: "&c&lUltraStaff " # success message success: "&aSuccess" # this message is sent when staffmode is enabled staffchat_enabled: "&aStaffChat is enabled" # this message is sent when staffmode is disabled staffchat_disabled: "&cStaffChat is disabled" # No permission message no_perms: "&cYou don't have permission" # this message is sent when vanish is enabled vanish_actionbar: "&aYou are in &lVANISH" vanish_enabled: "&aVanish mode enabled" # this message is sent when vanish is disabled vanish_disabled: "&cVanish mode disabled" # this message is sent when fly mode is enabled fly_enabled: "&aFly mode enabled" # this message is sent when fly mode is disabled fly_disabled: "&cFly mode disabled" other_fly_enabled: "&aYour fly mode has been enabled by %player%" other_fly_disabled: "&cYour fly mode has been disabled by %player%" no_player: "&c%player% not found" teleported: "&aYou have been teleported to %player%" invsee: "&ainventory of &c%player% &awas opened" chat_mute: "&aChat was muted by &c%player%" chat_unmute: "&aChat was unmuted by &c%player%" chat_muted: "&cChat are muted." chat_clear: "&aChat was cleared by &c%player%" staffmode_enabled: "&aStaffMode enabled" staffmode_disabled: "&cStaffMode disabled" froze: "&aYou have frozen %player%" unfroze: "&aYou have unfrozen %player%" frozenbystaff: "&cYou were frozen by %player%" unfrozenbystaff: "&cYou were unfrozen by %player%" alertfrozen: -
"&cYou are frozen, follow the instructions of the staff" frozen_disconnect: "&c%player% &bdisconnected while frozen!" randomtp: "&aYou have been teleported to &c%player%" navigator: "&aTeleported" cps_started: "&aThe cps check of %player% has started" cps_ended: -
"&aThe cps check of %player% has ended" -
"&bInformation:" - "&6CPS: %cps%" no_players_totp: "&cNo players to teleport" reports_of_player: "&c%player% &bhas report &c%reported% &bwith the reason: &9%reason% &8(&5%date%&8)" cant_self_report: "&cYou can't report you self" success_report: "&bYou report has been send" no_reports: "&cNo reports found" report_discarted: "&cReport discarted" alerts_enabled: "&bAlerts &a&nEnabled" alerts_disabled: "&bAlerts &c&nDisabled" alert: "&c&lALERT&7: &b%player% has broken &9%block% &8(&3%world% &aX:&2%x%&7,&aY:&2%y%&7,&aZ:&2%z%&8)" minerTp:
noPlayers: "&cThere is no player in the layer %y%" inventoryTitle: "&0Player in layer %y%" nextPage: "&aNext Page" backPage: "&cBack" userItemName: "&eMiner" userItemLore:
- "&7Nickname: &b%player%" - "&7Layer Y: &b%y%" help_message:
- "&bCommands: &9(&crequired&9) &9
]" - "&a/staffmode
: &bEnable or disable staffmode
" - "&a/v or /vanish
: &bEnable or disable vanish mode
" - "&a/freeze
): &bFreeze a player
" - "&a/fly
]: &bEnable or disable fly mode
" - "&a/s
): &bTeleport a player to your position
" - "&a/invsee
): &bOpen inventory of player
" - "&a/staffchat
]: &bEnable or disable staffchat
" report_registered: - "&c&m
" - "" - "&5New report registered by &b
%player%" - " &9Player: &a%player%" - " &9Reported: &a%reported%" - " &9Reason: &3%reason%" - " &9Date: &7%date%" -
"" -