Added action prefix! You can now set action prefix to make this action only run with specifed click type, like only left click can active this action.
Added fail-actions for menus and products! If you fail to buy/sell product or fail to meet the condition of a button, the fail action will run! You can use it play fail sound!
Now buy-actions, sell-actions and fail-actions will auto merge shop config's general value and product config's value to make actions system more easy to use. (Like put sound at shop general configs, then put command at product configs, no need to copy sound action to all product's buy and sell actions!)
Added custom click event in shop GUI, you can set action in custom click event, like setting shift left click to buy one stack of the product instead of open buy more menu. (Premium version only)
Fixed default fish shop does not generate when first start the plugin.
Fixed default main menu has wrong symbol in fish shop item lore.
Now if all display-item-conditions do not meet the condition, we will auto hide the button instead of put a stone at GUI.