Start from this version, UltimateShop bring you a new price type: static price.
Now prices are divided into dynamic prices and static prices.
If the amount option in the price configuration only contains numbers, we will automatically classify it as a static price.
Static pricing will automatically disable some features that are only used for dynamic pricing, such as parsing PlaceholderAPI, mathematical calculations, etc., which can reduce some plugin performance consumption.
The results of static pricing will be stored in memory, rather than automatically calculated every time purchased or selled.
The concept of base price has been added to dynamic pricing.
In dynamic pricing, you will use mathematical symbols and a large number of numbers. Starting from this version, the first number in dynamic pricing will be considered as the base price.
The base price is only displayed and used in the placeholder, and it does not actually change the price of the product.
The auto add lore feature now supports parsing PlaceholderAPI.
Added {status} placeholder support in price config's amount option. (Premium version only)
This placeholder will automatically compare with base price and current price and display different results based on the size relationship between the current price and the base price.
This placeholder is very useful in dynamic pricing, as it can help players understand whether the current price has increased or decreased.
This placeholder will display empty value for static price, so it will only work for static price.
Added {compare_<num1>_<num2>} placeholder support anywhere in plugin.
This placeholder will compare the 2 numbers and display different value based on the size relationship between 2 numbers.
Added detection of protection plugins for sell stick. If the clicked container is protected, this sellling will not occur. (Premium version only)
For the convenience of plugin usage, we added 3 automatically config changer for price config.
Support automatically add discount placeholder in price amount option. Useful for people want to make discount placeholder working for all products.
Support automatically add status placeholder in price placeholder option. Useful for people want to make all dynamic price display now status (up or down).
Support automatically replace amount placeholder to other format in price placeholder option. Useful for people want to display formatted number in price (8000000 -> 8,000,000 or 80k -> 80000), require use some PlaceholderAPI expansions.
For now, /shop sellall and /shop menu command are default to access to everyone, if you don't want this, simply use LuckPerms and give default group -ultimateshop.sellall and permission.
Some other unimportant modifications are no longer listed here. 1.21 is not tested for now but shouldn't have any problems since we never touch NMS in plugin codes!