Ultimate Lobby Protection Plugin with Optional Modules
UHubCore is your all-in-one solution for managing and protecting your lobby with ease. This plugin offers a variety of customizable and world-specific features, ensuring that your server's lobby is secure and engaging for all players.
Hex Color Support PlaceholdeAPI Support
️ Hub Features
Custom announcements (Center message addon)
Custom Join Ítems
Custom Menus
Low FPS spawn
Join Message (Clickeable Message)
Join Titles
Anti-OP Protection
All Customizable
/uhubcore setmainlobbylow - Set the lobby for low FPS players.
/uhubcore setmainlobbynormal - Set the normal lobby.
/uhubcore reload (config/lang) - Reload all configurations or only specific files like config or lang.
/gamemode 0|1|2|3 or /gamemode survival|creative|adventure|spectator - Change game mode.
/lowfps - Toggle between normal and low FPS lobby; saves preference in MySQL or SQLite.
uhubcore.admin - Full administrative access to UHubCore commands and features.
uhubcore.command.lowfps - Permission to use the `/lowfps` command.
uhubcore.command.gamemode - Permission to use the game mode change command.
{ping} - Get player ping.
{time} - Gets the server time. (edit in config.yml "timezone")
{date} - Gets the date from the server. (edit in config.yml "timezone")
{player} - Get player name.
{online} - Get numbers of player online in the server.
UHubCore is designed with user-friendliness in mind, providing a powerful configuration system that ensures everything can be adjusted to fit your needs perfectly.
Future Updates Stay tuned for more exciting features and enhancements!
Why UHubCore and not another? It doesn't require an outdated licensing system, much less has a limit of uses per IP and is completely editable at 99%