New option: black-list-materials for ReachAround tweak, materials in this list cant be placed with reach around indeed fixing a shulker box dupe issue reported by @itsdylon
New Tweak: Trowel Item
Code (YAML):
# A Trowel tool can be crafted with Iron and Sticks. # The Trowel, when right clicked, will place a random block from your hotbar, making it useful for ruins or paths. # Permission: # tweakin.trowel.use: provides permission to use the trowel trowel:
enabled: true
# weather or not item is craftable, if set to false recipes(from recipes.yml) regarding this item will not register craftable: true
# weather or not item should take damage on use, only use for damagable items like iron_hoe # Note: max uses of the item depends on what base material you are using example iron_hoe has 250 max durability meaning trowel will have 250 max uses take-damage: true
# configuration for item item:
display: "&7Trowel" flags: - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES
options.model: 102
lore: -
"&7Right-Click to place random blocks from hotbar"