Tweakin [1.17-1.21.4] icon

Tweakin [1.17-1.21.4] -----

Improve your vanilla experience

Supported Versions: 1.17.1, 1.18.2, 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, 1.19.4, 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.4, 1.20.5, 1.20.6, 1.21.1, 1.21.4
tweakin is a modular plugin which changes/tweaks some of the vanilla features. Most of its features were inspired from Vanilla Tweaks Datapacks and Quark Mod.
Key Features
  • Each feature/module can be toggled and has its own options in config.yml.
  • Tweaks that require player interaction have one or more Permission nodes(more info in config.yml).
  • Some player and block related tweaks like ReachAround, Trowel, Bottled Cloud, Better Ladders etc respects Grief Prevention plugins like worldguard,grief-prevention etc
  • Any messages sent to player are configurable in messages.yml.
  • More tweaks will be added soon, here is the trello board for all planned tweaks
Given below is a brief list of all tweaks added by Tweakin :

Grab Chicken
chickens can be picked up by right clicking on them with empty hand, this gives player a slow falling effect.
they can be put down, by right clicking on a block with empty hand.

Mini Blocks
Adds Stone Cutter recipes to convert normal blocks into mini block heads.
Check out mini-blocks.yml (generates in plugins/Tweakin folder when this tweak is enabled) to edit the texture, display, output count and ingredient of each block.

Cauldron Mud
Requires PaperMC or its forks as server software
Similar to Cauldron Concrete, dropping Dirt Block in water filled cauldron will instantly turn it into Mud Block.

Wandering Trader Announcements
When a wandering trader spawns, it will notify the player within 60 blocks of range.
The announcement message can be edited in messages.yml under wandering-trader-announcement-message key

Storm Channeling
Allows a player to start a thunderstorm when a trident with channeling enchantment is thrown in the air above build height.
Player should be standing at the build height(configurable) to start the storm.

Recyclable Wax
when a waxed copper block is un-waxed, it will drop honeycomb

Chicken Shearing
allows to shear a chicken with shears to obtain its feathers, however this will damage the chicken

Jumpy Boats
Requires ProtocolLib
Credits: JumpyBoats Mod
makes the boat jump like a horse when jump button is pressed.

Elytra Bombing
Credits: Elytra Bombing Mod
use TNT while you are flying with Elytra by right-clicking with igniter-item(flint and steel or fire charge), and having a tnt block in your inventory.

Better Bone Meal
allows use of bonemeal on cactus,netherwart,sugarcane and lilypad.

Water Extinguish
extinguishs a player/entity on fire when a splash water bottle is thrown near them.

Anvil Repair
allows to repair a broken anvil block by right clicking it with an iron block.

Better Recovery Compass
Credits: LizardOfOz
allows you to craft your death location map from recovery compass by placing
  • recovery compass at top slot
  • empty map at bottom slot
of cartography table

Cauldron Concrete
Requires PaperMC or its Forks
Dropping concrete powder in water filled cauldron will instantly turn it into concrete block

More Recipes
adds some useful recipes
these recipes are configurable in more-recipes.yml
you can add your own recipes in custom-recipes.yml

Infinite Firework
Allows to create randomized firework shows rather than painfully crafting unique firework effect.

Lectern Page Reset
Lectern book page will reset to 0 when player closes the Lectern.

Crafting Table on Stick
Might require Resource pack for item sprite.
As the name suggests, crafting table combined with stick to get a portable crafting inventory which can be opened by using the hotkey(configurable) on item in inventory
the behavior can be added to crafting table item itself by toggling the option in config.yml
Recipes can be changed in recipes.yml

Shear Name Tags
NOTE: only works with mobs that were name tagged after this tweak was enabled.
Shift+Right click a named mob with shears to remove the name and get the name tag back.

ArmorStand Wand
Requires better-armorstands to be enabled
A wand item used to edit armor stands, rather then using /armorstand command.
The wand can be used as so:
  • Shift+Right Click on armorstand to edit it
  • Shift+Right Click in air to edit lastly edited armorstand
  • Right Click in air to edit nearest armorstand
Recipe can be configured in recipes.yml

Better ArmorStands
Adding some features to armor stands and giving players more control over them.
  • /armorstand or /as can be used to edit a armorstand player is looking at with a gui
    - /armorstand last: opens gui for armorstand that was lastly edited by player
    - /armorstand near: opens gui for armorstand thats nearest to player
  • armorstand can be named using nametag like other entities
  • all the messages,titles and items from gui are configurable in messages.yml and items.yml
  • Better ArmorStands also adds preset poses which can be accessed through editor gui, this feature adds 20+ preset poses to choose from
  • Admins can add their own poses with
    • /tw addpose [pose-id] [display-name] command whilist looking at the posed armorstand
    • /tw removepose [pose-id] command to remove exsiting poses
  • Armor set between player and armorstand can be swaped by shift right clicking on armorstand.
The gui layout was inspired from CMI
The GUI Editor
20+ Preset Poses
Armor Swaper

Villager Death Message
A messsage will broadcasted to all players when a villager die, the message is configurable in messages.yml

Armored Elytra
A elytra and chestplate can be combined in anvil to create armored elytra which has protection of chestplate and also ability to fly with elytra,
enchantments of both items are combined too,
the durability of armored elytra is equivalent to elytra's durability.
To seperate the elytra and chestplate again, drop an anvil on the item entity of armored elytra.
Otherwise it can be thrown in lava to seperate them(not recommended as both items will be destroyed unless chestplate was netherite)


Getting elytra and chestplate back

Better GrindStone (Disenchanter)
Grindstone can be used to transfer the enchants from an item onto a book, by placing the enchanted item on top slot and a book on the bottom slot.
However, this will destroy the item in the process.

Mob Heads
mobs have a chance to drop there heads on death,
The drop rates can be found at this Google Sheet from Vanilla Tweaks
The head texture, chance, looting-multiplier, note-block-sound and display-name can be altered in heads.yml [make sure to restart server after making changes to heads.yml]

Infinity Water Bucket
Water Buckets can now be given Infinity Enchantment through an Anvil.

Hoe Harvesting
Breaking grass or crops with a hoe will break a 3x3 of them. A Diamond & Netherite Hoe will break a 5x5 instead.

Shear Item Frame
Item frame containing item in them can be made invisible if right clicked with shears

Snowball Knockback
Snowballs and eggs will apply more knockback to entity on hit and also deal a configurable amount of damage.

Pat The Dogs (and Cats)
You can pat dogs and also cats(disabled by default). Shift Right click with an empty hand to perform this glorious act.
this will also heal them between 1-3 hearts.

Compass Works Everywhere
compass can now work in nether and end too,
pointing towards the portal you entered from, this will only work if you have a compass in main hand
right clicking the bed with compass in main hand will start pointing towards bed location.

Slime In A Bucket
Requires Resource pack
Item sprites and animations are from quark

Tiny slimes(size 1) can be buckte-ed by right clicking them with an empty bucket.
It will start jumping once the player enters a slime chunk.
The slime can also be deployed back into the world by right clicking on a block.

Lava Trash Can
Items can now be right clicked onto a Lava Bucket to destroy them forever.
Shulker Boxes and items that are immune to fire (eg. Netherite) can not be destroyed this way(configurable).
Items can only be destroyed if the lava bucket is in player's inventory

Confetti Creepers
Creepers now have a chance(by default 10%) to not explode, instead they will turn into confetti twinkling fireworks.

Optional Requirement for Resource pack
Item sprites are from quark

The Trowel, when right clicked on ground, will place a random block from your hotbar, making it useful for ruins or paths.
Item can be crafted with Iron and Sticks.

Bottled Cloud
Requires Resource-Pack
Using a Glass Bottle at the cloud levels (126-132 by default) will get you a Bottled Cloud.
The Bottled Cloud can be right clicked to place a block floating in mid-air. The cloud block disappears after a few seconds, but you can right click it with any other block to replace the two.

Rotation Wrench
Optional Requirement for Resource pack
Adds a wrench which allows to rotate all whitelisted blocks in config.yml on right click

Recipe can be configured in recipes.yml

Silence Mobs
silence and unsilence mobs using name tag.

Poison Potato Usage
Feeding a baby animal a Poisonous Potato has a chance to poison it for a few seconds. A baby animal that has been poisoned by this method will never grow into an adult.

Coordinate Hud
/togglehud will display coordinates,direction and ingame time

Shulker Box Preview
Shift Right Clicking a shulker box in inventory will display its contents.
by default players can edit the shulker box in this inventory but this can be disabled in config.yml.

  1. stop the server
  2. place the Tweakin.jar in plugins folder
  3. Start up the Server to generate the Tweakin folder
  4. All tweaks are disabled by default, they can be enabled by using /tw toggle command ingame to open a gui or /tw toggle [tweak-name] through console
    Note: Do not use config.yml to toggle tweaks
/tw reload: reloads the config files
/tw give [player_name] [tweak_item] (amount): gives player a tweakin item
/tw toggle (tweak-name): toggles specified tweak, if no name is specified opens a gui only ingame
/tw tweak-list: displays list of enabled and disabled tweaks
/tw givehead [player-name] [head-name] [amount]: gives player a mob head (mob heads tweak should be enabled),
use ALL as head-name to drop all 155 heads at player's location, remember this might result in lag, use with caution
/tw addpose [pose-id] [display-name] command whilist looking at the posed armorstand
/tw removepose [pose-id] command to remove exsiting poses
/tw status [tweak-name] command to check whether a tweak is enabled or disabled
/tw giveminiblock [player] [head] (amount) command to give specified player a mini block

Kindly do not use review section for bug reports or feature requests, join my Discord for that or open a github issue.
If you liked tweakin, then leave a rating :)

Plugin uses Bstats to gather data, it can be toggled in config.yml under metrics option

  • Top Notch Hardware at Budget Cost.
  • 24/7 discord Support
  • Instant Deployment
  • Custom Control Panel(Pterodactyl)
  • sFTP & MySQL Database Access
  • SSD & NVME Storage
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 17,871
First Release: Jun 19, 2021
Last Update: Jan 7, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
62 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings