Trym Odis Plugin (TOP) icon

Trym Odis Plugin (TOP) -----

The all-in-one plugin to manage your server: better than Essentials!

Message Updates
Patchnote - v0.1.0-dev - Updates Messages

What's new:
Comprehensive Messaging System: The plugin introduced a new messaging system that allows players to send private messages to each other. You can now use the following commands:
/msg <player> <message>: To send a private message to another player.
/r <message>: To quickly respond to a received private message.
/ignore <player>: To ignore a player and no longer receive their private messages.
/unignore <player>: To remove a player from your ignore list.
/ignorelist: To see the list of players you have ignored.

User IP Storage Removal: User IP storage has been disabled to improve player privacy and security.
Customizable messages for /welcome and /trash: The messages and rewards associated with the /welcome and /trash commands are now fully customizable. You can now adjust these messages to your liking.


Improved handling of private messages: The /msg, /r, /ignore, /unignore and /ignorelist commands have been optimized to work more smoothly, providing a better communication experience between players.
----------, Nov 21, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 256
First Release: Nov 20, 2024
Last Update: Dec 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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