New Commands, Several Fixes, Improved Configurations (SPAAAACEs)
v7.2.30 - remove bedrock from the default tree trunk material list. This is unnecessary and buggy
v7.2.29 - respect the setting to disable per world for all the things that happen
v7.2.28 - update internal YMLs to be spaced, too - Core update
v7.2.27 - add [info] argument for config commands to display node information
v7.2.26 - initialize PlayerListener debugger - oups! - also maybe pull in Core change about config commenting separation
v7.2.25 - try to prevent messing with the tool while automatic destruction is happening
v7.2.24 - support increasing scoreboard values (picked_up, mined) for automatically broken trees - this is hooked into the statistics setting, so disabled by default!
v7.2.23 - add '/ta config' and '/ta treeconfig', allowing to set config nodes ingame - also fix advertized command shorthands