TownyFlight icon

TownyFlight -----

Towny-enabled Flight

1.10.0 for Towny
* Adds tempflight command. by @LlmDl in

- New Feature: tempflight
- tempflight is given to players who will be able to fly for a specific amount of time, without having the `townyflight.command.tfly` permission node that is normally required for flight.
- Temporarily flying players will use up their flight seconds while they are flying and not while they are properly grounded.
- Temporarily flying players will only be able to use their flight powers in areas that TownyFlight would normally allow a player to fly in.

- New PAPI Placeholders:
- `%townyflight_temp_flight_seconds_remaining%` - Shows a formatted flight time remaining, ie: 30 seconds, or 5 minutes 2 seconds.
- %townyflight_temp_flight_seconds_remaining_raw% - Shows the number of seconds of flight time remaining with no formatting, ie: 30, or 302.

- New commands:
- /t fly tempflight [playername] 1000 - Gives a number of seconds of flight to a player.
- /t fly tempflight [playername] [30s | 30m | 1h | 2d] - Gives an amount of seconds of flight to a player, in an easier to input format.
- /t fly tempflight [playername] [remove] - Removes temp flight seconds from a player.

- New permission node:
- townyflight.command.tfly.tempflight: User is able to grant tempflight to players.
- default: op
----------, Feb 15, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 7,518
First Release: Dec 4, 2017
Last Update: Nov 12, 2024
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All-Time Rating:
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