This update is for servers running Spigot/Minecraft 1.16.5 - 1.17.1, and has been compiled with Spigot API 1.17.1.
Following Mojang's decision to require Java 16 for Minecraft 1.17+, this plugin also now requires a minimum Java version of 16.
The other major change is to the shop code. This has been refactored somewhat to allow the shop to be enabled/disabled globally in the config, and also enabled/disabled per arena. This would allow 'non-pvp' arenas, for example, to not have the shop option available.
A NEW 'command' item has been added to the default
shop.yml - thanks to
ItsMCB for the suggestion. Players can buy a command by clicking on the shop item in the normal way. The command will run when the countdown ends and the arena starts.
The default command item will not generate into an existing
shop.yml file, so if you want to use it, either temporarily rename your existing
shop.yml and start the server to generate a new
shop.yml, or cut/paste the entry below, removing the 2 comments, and changing the details where appropriate.
Code (YAML):
: '&fCommand'
: 50
: 1
- '&6give
%PLAYER% GOLD_NUGGET 1' <--- command that will run when arena starts
- Cost&6 50 &5coins
--- do not change this
: 1
- 'null'
All the messages relating to TNTRun parties have been added to
A German language translation is now included with the plugin - thanks to
crafter23456 for the translation.
Some bug fixes related to player rewards - see change log below.
Change Log
- update to java 16
- requires java 16 and therefore requires server version 1.16.5 to 1.17.1
- update Worldedit and McMMO dependency versions
- update bstats to v2.2.1
- add party messages to messages.yml
- add message string for player winning in testmode
- refactor shop code to allow shop to be globally enabled/disabled
- move shop listener to its own class
- allow shop to be enabled/disabled on a per arena basis
- add new 'command' item to shop
- fix bug where player leaving arena is not placed 2nd or 3rd
- fix command reward bug in newly created arena - thanks to GabryB for reporting it
- fix bug where in certain scenario the 3rd place reward could be given more than once - thanks to ItsMCB for finding and helping debug this
- add German language support - thanks to crafter23456 for the translation
Please report any issues found either in the discussion pages, on GitHub or Discord -