This update is for Spigot/Minecraft 1.13 to 1.16.3, and has been compiled with Spigot API 1.16.3.
This update contains a few bug fixes and some updates to the join menu and autojoin features.
/tr autojoin command has 2 additional options, pvp and nopvp. The
/tr autojoin pvp command will join only arenas with PVP enabled. The default command with no options,
/tr autojoin, is unchanged and will join any enabled arena.
The join menu
/tr join, can now display PVP enabled arenas using a different item which can be set in the
Code (YAML):
: true
The hover text over the items can display if the arena has PVP enabled by setting the string in
Code (YAML):
: '&5PVP
If the string is set to '' or PVP is not enabled then nothing is displayed.
The results messsage at the end of the game has its own header string in
Code (Text):
resultshead: '&7============[&6TNTRun&7]============'
There are 4 new placeholders
Code (YAML):
%tntrun_pvp_arena_count% : number of PVP TNTRun arenas
%tntrun_nopvp_arena_count% : number of non-PVP TNTRun arenas
%tntrun_pvp_player_count% : number of players currently playing PVP TNTRun
%tntrun_nopvp_player_count% : number of players currently playing non-PVP TNTRun
Change Log
- new strings menupvp and resultshead in messages.yml
- show if pvp enabled in join menu (can be disabled)
- option to use different menu item for pvp arenas
- added header string for results message
- add pvp|nopvp options to /tr autojoin command
- add 4 new placeholders
- improve reward code on arena creation
- save commandonstart and commandonstop keys to config on arena creation
- bug fix - fix typo in 3rd place message string
- bug fix - fix npe which could sometimes be caused by /trsetup deletespawnpoints command
- bug fix - doublejump placeholder should return free doublejumps if enabled
- bug fix - validate possibility of commandOnStart being null on arena creation
Please report any issues found either in the discussion pages, on GitHub or Discord -