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TheAPI -----

[Spigot, BungeeCord, Velocity] Complex API library to make plugin development easier & faster!

Improved performance, added new useful methods, fixed bugs
+ Fixed reading of tabs in the YAML configs (1 tab = 1 space)
+ Improved performance of reading DataType#BYTE (replacing spaces, tabs and lineSeparators)
+ No longer removing cached chunk from the Position class if block (x,z) is still in the same chunk - If block pos is changed by method add, substract, setX, setZ or set
+ Added new methods to the Position class:
* set(double x, double y, double z)
* setWorld(String worldName)
* Object toBlockPosition() (Returns NMS BlockPosition class instance)
+ Fixed return of Position#getData() on the 1.8 and newer
+ Code clean-up
+ Fixed wrong conversion of time to the String via StringUtils#timeToString method
+ Added new "RemoveCallback" to the TempList & TempMap classes
+ Added new (missing) methods to the PercentageList:
* int size() returns size of map
* double getChance(V value) return set chance of value - returns zero if isn't in the map
+ Added new methods to the GUI$ClickType enum:
* isLeftClick()
* isRightClick()
* isMiddleClick()
* isShiftClick()
+ Added new method to the ItemMaker class:
* ItemMaker enchanted() - Add on item "unbreaking" and itemFlags "HIDE_ENCHANTS" & "HIDE_ATTRIBUTES"
+ Added new RjarLibrary API which allows programs (Not for Minecraft software) load libs outside of jar.
+ Added new method to the EventManager class:
* List<ListenerHolder> getListeners(Class<? extends Event> event)
Returns List of handlers from the Event class. If event class is null, returns unmodifiable empty list.
+ Changed how listeners are registered, unregistered & called.
Now every event must have public method List<ListenerHolder> getHandlers() and public static method List<ListenerHolder> getHandlerList() which returns same non-null List.
+ Fixed & improved performance of Ref#method(String methodName, Class<?>... params) method
+ No longer calling ServerListPingEvent event if isn't used by any plugin.

❓ TIP If you want to "clear" cache of Position class, call Position#zero() method to remove cached chunk, world name, etc.
----------, Feb 16, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 31,339
First Release: Nov 11, 2019
Last Update: Jan 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
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