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TheAPI -----

[Spigot, BungeeCord, Velocity] Complex API library to make plugin development easier & faster!

Fixed bugs with colors
+ Added new class CustomPluginCommand which using CommandHolder API from TheAPI-Shared section.
* This new class is used to "hide" command in-game from players if CommandExecutor of this class can be only console/command-block, etc. Same for console.
+ Also small perf. improvement of StringUtils#copyPartialMatches method
+ Marking Config as NonModified after saving content to the File. Not before saving.
+ Also broadcasting exceptions to the console when is problem with creating File when saving Config.
+ Preventing from creating empty .java files in the plugins/TheAPI/NmsProviders folder if we do not provide NmsProvider for your server version yet (or never)
+ Added debug to the console when server (plugin) is loading - Server version & type, Java version & type and plugin version
+ Fixed not completed HEX colors on the end of the String being completly removed (For ex.: "This is test #1" -> "This is test ")
----------, Dec 30, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 31,339
First Release: Nov 11, 2019
Last Update: Jan 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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