WHOAH. Long waiting for 1.18 update?
+ Added new method to the ResourcePackAPI class: (1.17+)
- setResourcePack(Player player, String resourcePack, String sha, boolean requireRP, String prompt, ResourcePackHandler handler)
+ Fully supporting __1.18__
Removed classes:
- BarStyle
- BarColor
- HoverMessage
- DataWatcher & DataWatcher utils
Removed methods from TheAPI class:
- getBossBar
- removeBossBar
- setBossBar
- Removed class (event):
- ConsoleLogEvent
+ Fixed methods in the ComponentAPI class:
- toComponent(String text, boolean skipUrls)
# if you set skipUrls to true, Component'll be without clicable URLs
- toBaseComponent/s
+ Fixed method StringUtils#timeFromString for Months
:exclamation: Version support locked on** 1.7.10** - **1.17.1** (Bcs NMS Providers = In case you would like to support an older version (e.g. 1.5.2), you need to import TheAPI project and create the corresponding NMS Provider class (e.g. me.devtec.theapi.nms.v1_5_R1))
+ Fixed SQLAPI class getTop methods:
- Changed method of SQLAPI class getTop(String table, String orderBy, String column, String identifier, int limit)
getTop(String table, String orderBy, String column, String lookingfor, String identifier, int limit)
+ Fixed loading of arraylists (Reported by
- "#123456COLORS?"
+ Improved performance of loading of YAML files
+ Fixed SQL errors
+ Fixed some other bugs (I can't remember what all I was fixing)
+ Fixed loading of worlds
+ Fixed errors when someone input item to the GUI via middle click (drop)
+ Fixed bugs in the Json Reader & Writer (Arrays & private classes)
+ Improved speed of opening GUIs (No longer sending packets with Air ItemStack)
+ Fixed errors when loading worlds with custom generator
+ Improved speed of opening GUIs (No longer sending packets with Air ItemStack)
+ Fixed errors when loading worlds with custom generator
Removed classes:
- ChatMessage
Added classes:
- NmsProvider
- Component
- ComponentAPI
Added new method to the TheAPI class:
- NmsProvider getNmsProvider()
+ Improved performance of classes:
- BlocksAPI
- Position
- ScoreboardAPI
What does this mean?
In case you use the NMSAPI.postToMainThread method, you will have to use a method from the NmsProvider that is not static -> TheAPI.getNmsProvider().postToMainThread (In case of the brave, LoaderClass.nmsProvider.postToMainThread)
Some of our plugins may not be fully functional!
Please wait for their updates in their assigned builds channels on our discord.