+ Added support for 1.17
+ Added new method Ref#nmsOrOld(newNmsName, oldNmsName)
* Ref.nmsOrOld("network.chat.ChatHexColor", "ChatHexColor")
+ Fixed name of method ChatMessage#toLegacy
+ Added new method to the ChatMessage class, toNMS
+ Added new AntiFakeBlocks function
+ Fixed updating of lights
+ Improved performance
+ Fixed TheMaterial#getIBlockData method for 1.17+ & Improved performance for 1.13+
+ Fixed GUI titles for Yatopia 1.16.X
+ Fixed ItemCreatorAPI#create for head with empty owner
+ Fixed reading of YAML files
+ Fixed writing of YAML files (#test.path.#here - with comments in section name)
+ Fixed method SerializedBlock#serialize(Position pos, TheMaterial material) for 1.17
+ Fixed compatibility with 1.8.X (Ugh..)
+ Improved GUI click listener
+ Fixed opening of Anvil GUI & normal GUI for 1.17
+ Fixed ParticleAPI for 1.17
+ Fixed ChatMessage#toNMS method for 1.17
+ Fixed TheMaterial#getIBlockData method for 1.17
+ Fixed PluginManagerAPI for 1.7.10 - 1.12.2
+ Fixed GUI actions for 1.8.X
+ Fixed errors on loading chunks (Position#getType) for 1.12.2 and older
+ Fixed GUI creator for 1.8.X
+ Fixed NMSAPI#setNBT and NMSAPI#getNBT methods
+ Improved sending of scoreboard packets
+ Added new method ScoreboardAPI#sendScorePackets
+ Fixed ScoreboardAPI for 1.13 up to 1.16.5
+ Fixed ScoreboardAPI for 1.7.10
+ Fixed Writer & Reader json classes for 1.7.10
+ Fixed loading of plugin on 1.7.10
+ Fixed ScoreboardAPI for 1.12.2 and older (Tested 1.8.8)
+ Fixed bugs
+ Optimized classes
+ Fixed Animation#get method
+ Fixed some bugs
+ Fixed ScoreboardAPI for 1.17
+ Fixed BossBarAPI for 1.17
-Removed unused ClickType.MIDDLE_DROP