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TheAPI -----

[Spigot, BungeeCord, Velocity] Complex API library to make plugin development easier & faster!

New PropertiesLoader, fixed many bugs and improved performance!
+ Added PropertiesLoader
+ Improved performance of methods:
- Data#toString -> Data#save
- T PercentageList#getRandom
- T StringUtils#getRandomFromList(List<T> list)
- TheAPI#getOnlinePlayers
- TheAPI#getOnlineCount
+ Added new method T StringUtils#getRandomFromCollection(Collection<T> collection)
+ Fixed bugs
+ Improvement time loading of YamlLoader
+ Fixed errors & bugs on 1.7.10
+ Fixed DataType.BYTE saver for null values
+ Added new methods to the SQLAPI class
+ Fixed Cache#lookupNameById
+ Fixed Data#save method
+ Fixed Cache#lookupNameById
+ Fixed Data#save method
+ Improved performance of Schematics, Position & TheMaterial classes
+ Added new methods to the SQLAPI class
+ Fixed SortedMap#sortByValue method
+ Fixed ParticleAPI - Item
+ No longer registering of schedules on disabling plugin
+ Fixed registering of PacketHandler for modded servers & 1.14 - 1.15 versions
+ Fixed reading & writing of DataType.BYTE - PLEASE, DELETE Cache.dat AND Data.dat FILES FROM THEAPI FOLDER
+ No longer sending unused packets if title doesn't change - GUI & AnvilGUI
+ Improved performance of SortedMap class & CHANGED RETURN VALUE:
- LinkedHashMap -> Map
+ Fixed disabling plugin error when plugin or another plugin tries to start new runnable task
----------, Jun 6, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 31,339
First Release: Nov 11, 2019
Last Update: Jan 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings