+ Fixed StringUtils#colorizeMap/Array.. methods
+ Fixed errors of GUI#close() method
+ Fixed errors on loading plugin
+ Added new methods to the Data class:
- boolean existsKey(String pathKey)
- boolean setIfAbsent(String path, Object value)
+ Improved Async & Sync tasks handler (Scheduler.class)
+ Improved methods getServer, getServerThread and postToMainThread(Runnable) methods in the NMSAPI class
+ Optimized ChatEvent, BlockBreak and BlockPlace events (Special thanks to @mattrobb for report this bug) - PlayerBanlist
+ Reduced spam in console for Java 11 - 14 with reason "Warning nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future jdk release"
+ Optimized EntityMoveEvent
+ Improved TheAPI custom event handler & processor
+ Improved ServerListPingEvent
+ To the class PlayerProfile added new methods:
- getUUID
- getName
- setName(String)
+ Class PlayerProfile have new constructors:
- PlayerProfile(String, UUID)
- PlayerProfile(String)
- PlayerProfile(UUID)
- PlayerProfile()
+ Added new option to the Config.yml "Options.SocketsSpeed"
- Removed TheAPI#isOlder_9 method (Use method TheAPI#isOlderThan(9))
+ Fixed PacketListener#unregister method
+ Improved /TheAPI PluginManager command (No longer required case sensetive for plugin names)
- Removed PlayerJumpEvent
- Changed method return of method getItemGUIs from HashMap to Map
+ Opening & closing of GUIs now can be triggered asynchronous
+ Added new methods to the GUI class:
- getPlayers
- hasOpen(Player)
- setTitle(String)
- getTitle
+ Fixed ItemCreatorAPI (Attributes - Can't cast HashMap to Multimap)
+ Improved Unbreakable flag for items created by ItemCreatorAPI (No longer adding unused Lore, now for CraftBukkit using item NBT, for Spigot using Spigot unbreakable version)
- Removed PlayerItemBreakEvent (Reason above)
+ Added new EmptyItemGUI class new EmptyItemGUI(ItemStack) - Without actions
+ Added new static fields (helpers) to the GUI class:
- LINES_6 = 54
- LINES_5 = 45
- LINES_4 = 36
- LINES_3 = 27
- LINES_2 = 18
- LINES_1 = 9
+ Added new methods to the Ref class:
- invokeStatic(Class, String, Object... val)
- invokeStatic(Method, Object... val)
- getStatic(Class, String)
- getStatic(Field)
+ Added new methods to the NMSAPI class:
- getNBT(ItemStack)
- getNBT(Object itemStack)
- parseNBT(String)
- setNBT(ItemStack, String)
- setNBT(ItemStack, Object nbt)
- setNBT(Object itemStack, Object nbt)
- asNMSItem(ItemStack)
- asBukkitItem(OBject itemStack)
+ Added new class NBTEdit, constructors:
- NBTEdit(ItemStack)
- NBTEdit(Object nbt)
+ Fixed Scheduler (Cancelling tasks - loops)
+ The scheduler is now formed by a queue for tasks
+ New method in Scheduler & Tasker: repeatingTimes(long delay, long period, long times, Runnable runnable, Runnable onFinish)
- Removed PlayerVanishEvent class
- Removed from Events automatic vanish
- Removed canSee, hasVanish setVanish methods from TheAPI
+ Added Auto-Clearing of inactive users (Period can be edited in config)
+ Added Caching of player names & uuids
- Removed many and many methods from NMSAPI (Unused methods)
+ Fixed registering of other plugins not based on TheAPI on the server version Paper 1.8.8
+ Fixed SimpleScore.class method addLines(List<String>)
+ Removed debug for Paper 1.8.8
+ Fixed kick from the server on the server version Paper 1.8.8 (TabList)