The Search | Hidden Blocks/Entities in your Lobbies! [1.8-1.21.4] | Perfect for EASTER! icon

The Search | Hidden Blocks/Entities in your Lobbies! [1.8-1.21.4] | Perfect for EASTER! -----

Hide different blocks (or entities) in your lobbies and make players find them to receive rewards!

This plugin allows you to create multiple "Searches" which consists on hidden blocks (or even entities) that players must find on your lobbies to receive rewards. You can customize every aspect of Searches, including chat messages, titles, sounds, particles, effects when found, and reward actions such as commands.

The plugin also includes an Inventory GUI where admins can edit searches without touching the configuration. Also there you can check information and stats for every search and hidden objects, like the total amount of players who have found it and teleport to them.





- Create multiple Searches with different actions:
  • Chat messages
  • Title messages
  • Sounds
  • Reward console commands
  • Find Effects (Firework, Random Items, Rotating Head, Hologram, Bats, Lightning, Particles)
  • Random find effects
- GUI to edit/view Searches
  • Remove objects
  • Teleport to objects
  • Edit actions (default, last, already found)
  • Edit Find chat message
  • Edit Find title message
  • Edit find sound
  • Edit Find commands
  • Informational placeholders
  • Edit other properties (permissions, sound clue, action bar clue)
  • GUI under development, more options will be added in future updates
- Add blocks to searches
- Add entities to searches (MythicMobs or Citizens required)
- Display Particles (completely customizable)
- Display Particles max distance
- Display Particles custom forms: Circular, orbit
- Automatic check for removed objects
- Default actions, last actions, reach amount actions, already found actions and object actions
- Sound clue
- Actionbar message clue
- PlaceholderAPI variables (including TOP players)
- MySQL support for player data
- Informational Inventory GUI

  • Teleport to objects of a search
  • Total of players who have completed a search
  • Total of players who have found an object
- Easy to use!

- Works in 1.8+

if you think of a possible new feature to add, just tell me in the discussion and I will take it into consideration!


1. Spigot or Paper (not craftbukkit)
2. MythicMobs ( or Citizens ( (Optional, to add entities to searches)
3. PlaceholderAPI (Optional, for variables,
4. HolographicDisplays (Optional, for hologram find effect, or Decent Holograms (

To install the plugin on your server place the TheSearch.jar file inside your plugins folder and start your server.

1. Use /thesearch create <name> to create a new Search.

2. Use /thesearch addblock <name> looking at a block, to add it to the Search. This block is the one players must find. If you want players to find a mob/entity instead, use /thesearch addentity <name> looking at a MythicMobs/Citizens entity. You can find a more detailed example of this on the WIKI.

3. You will see that the block now displays a particle. This particle will show only to players that haven't find the object. This particle is completely configurable.

4. You can now start editing the properties of this Search. There are 2 ways.
The first one is to open the editing GUI using /thesearch edit <search>. There you can change actions when finding objects of the search, teleport to objects, get some informational variables, and so on...

The second way is to modify all the properties of the search in its config on the searches folder.

To a proper understanding of the plugin check the wiki below. Here you will find the whole plugin explained in detail.


(alias: /ts)
/thesearch create <search> Creates a new search.
/thesearch delete <search> Deletes a search.
/thesearch edit <search> Edits a search through the GUI.
/thesearch addblock <search> Adds the target block to a search.
/thesearch addentity <search> Adds the target entity to a search. Requires MythicMobs.
/thesearch removeblock Removes the target block from its search.
/thesearch removeentity Removes the target entity from its search.
/thesearch reset <player>/all <search>/all Resets player data from a search.
/thesearch tp <search> <id> Teleports you to an object of a search.
/thesearch enable <search> Enables a search.
/thesearch disable <search> Disables a search temporally.
/thesearch reload Reloads the config.

Just one for now.
thesearch.admin (Access to all funtionalities and commands of the plugin)<search> (If permission_required is enabled in a search, this permission is needed to interact with it)







Please avoid posting bad ratings before asking. If you have problems or bugs with the plugin contact with me or post on the plugin discussion and I will take a look at it.

Terms & Conditions
By purchasing TheSearch you agree to the following Terms & Conditions:
1) You can't resell/redistribute this plugin.
2) There are no refunds.
3) You can't decompile this plugin.
4) You can't claim this plugin as your own.
5) Only use this plugin on your server/network.
6) I can change the price of this plugin anytime.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 533
First Release: Nov 20, 2021
Last Update: Feb 21, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
40 ratings
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