Trial Chamber code introduced a bug where vanilla would try to generate ores alongside tfg, leading to larger ore volumes and malfunctioning ore config options
Separated big tree config code for spruce and jungle trees
Trees now only replace vanilla's replacable non-solid blocks (as well as mushrooms and saplings). This is a change from the previous update's behaviour where trees can replace any non-solid block
Large cave structures now use the new structure system, and should no longer cause freezes
Recent spigot changes changed a craftbukkit internal, causing the plugin to crash. This fix allows the plugin to work on the newer versions. The plugin will no longer work on the older spigots for 1.19.4
Recent spigot changes changed a craftbukkit internal, causing the plugin to crash. This fix allows the plugin to work on the newer versions. The plugin will no longer work on the older spigots for 1.19.4
Fixed issue with newer paper versions where asynchronous generation caused some chunks to abruptly sink into the ground
Added some special blocks that plugins like ItemsAdder/Oraxen use to generate custom ores to cave-carver lists to better integrate with ores generated by those plugins. This doesn't appear to be a completely fool-proof fix and some floating custom ores still do appear.
The plugin will now suppress spigot/paper watchdog to hide unnecessary stacktraces and crashes while generating chunks. This will be warned in console and the feature itself can be disabled in config. Watchdog will only be suppressed while generating terraformgenerator chunks, if no chunks are generating, watchdog will work as per normal.
Fixed problem where ore minimum Y was always reset to the world's minimum Y value
Fixed problem where 1.16.5 instances could not change ore config values due to the above problem causing min Y to be 0 (must be above 0 to prevent ore config overrides)