- Added Banned Words logs system (logs/banned_words.log)
- Added /list command
- Added /calculator command
- Added /chatcolor (color) (format) command (you can use 1 argument or 2 arguments)
- Added [FOR] tag in Custom Commands for create loops
- Added [CHATCOLOR] tag in Custom Commands
- Added [coords] placeholder in chat
- Added [item] placeholder in chat
- Fixed chatcolor color and format in chat (did not appear the colors and formats)
- Added an option to reset color and format in chatcolor menu
- Fixed HEX color compatibility in the chatcolor menu title
- Fixed a bug when selecting format without color in chatcolor
- Fixed error in the message of selecting a color or format in the chatcolor (in the color did not show the format and in the format did not show the color)
- Added [GLOBAL] tag in Custom Commands (sends a message without format to all players)
- Added [BROADCAST] tag in Custom Commands (sends a TChat broadcast to all players)
- Added /player command (displays player information)
- Fixed bypass permission in anti unicode system
- Added /server command (displays server information)
- Added custom color ping system for /ping command (configurable at config.yml)
- Added other ping view in /ping command (/ping <player>)
- Fixed colors translation in mention system
- Added 2 placeholders for ping (%tchat_ping%, %tchat_ping_color%, read wiki before using)
- Added PerWorldChat system in worlds.yml
- Added Chat Bridge system for PerWorldChat in world.yml