# IMPORTANT CHANGE IN CHAT FORMAT, PLEASE UPDATE config.yml AND groups.yml FILES (check chat.format, remove %message% and add ยก character)
- Updated TChat Spigot version from 1.21 to 1.21.1 (Added 1.21.1 support)
- Added /showitem command (BETA, I know all the bugs and errors)
- Added /helpop command
- Fixed usage reply message
- Fixed and improved ChatFormatListener class
- Fixed disable chat format option
- Fixed colors in messages
- Fixed mention color
- Fixed final dot system (now check if the message ends with the same character as the final dot character before adding it)
- Fixed color for mesage in chat format
- Added /bannedcommands command
- Added Match comparator in Custom Commands
- Added depuration messages in anti flood system
- Added depuration messages in anti spam system
- Fixed colors from chat color in chat
- Added no arguments messages in Custom Commands
- Added Banned Commands log file
- Added /channel send (channel) (message) command. (Compatible with the Custom Commands for StaffChat and other systems)
- Fixed bypass permission for Auto cap
- Fixed bypass permission for Final dot
- Fixed bypass permission for Anti cap
- Added support for '' in the [MESSAGE] tag in Custom Commands