Talismans ⭕ Create Custom Talismans ✅ Powerful Passive Effects ✨ Talisman Bag, Levels icon

Talismans ⭕ Create Custom Talismans ✅ Powerful Passive Effects ✨ Talisman Bag, Levels -----

Powerful and intuitive passive effects for your server.

5.33.0 Changelog
- Added new optional repeat section to all (triggerable) effects!
You can specify a repeat like this:
times: <times>
start: <start count value>
increment: <amount to add to count after each run>

And then reference those values in your effect/mutator/trigger/etc configs, anywhere from in strings to in mathematical expressions to be evaluated.
%repeat_times% - The amount of times the activation should be repeated
%repeat_increment% - The amount to increase the count for after each activation
%repeat_start% - The starting value of the count
%repeat_count% - The current value of the count

This means you can now create automations and much more complex effects without repeating yourself, for example this tripleshot effect here:

- id: shoot_arrow
every: 3
times: 2
start: -11
increment: 22
inherit_velocity: true
- id: spin_velocity
angle: '%repeat_count%'
- shoot_bow

Which spins the velocity -11 degrees first, and then 11 degrees second, keeping the middle arrow - which gives you tripleshot.

I'm excited to see how people use these new effects!
----------, Mar 12, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 969
First Release: Jan 11, 2021
Last Update: Nov 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
31 ratings
Find more info at plugins.auxilor.io...
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