It's not easily possible to mixin to static interface methods. Mixin to our own ExceptionHandler instead of ComponentMessageThrowable to workaround this (Fabric).
Added display configs, which have a permission node attached. This allows for having players with different permission levels see different modules. The permission to use the default config is tabtps.defaultdisplay.
Display configs are located in `plugins/TabTPS/display-configs/`
Added theme configs, to customize the colors of displays. Each display configuration references a theme configuration. For example the default display config uses the default theme config.
Theme configs are located in `plugins/TabTPS/themes/`
Added Online Player count module
A localization system has been implemented, however only English (en_US) translations exist at this time.
There is no config option to set language, instead the plugin will detect the users language preference from their client, and automatically display text in their selected language. If translations for the language they are using are unavailable, it will fall back to English.
Fix handling of when the operating system bean reports NaN CPU usage. This should solve issues with running TabTPS on macOS.
Reworked config files to allow for much more configuration. See the "Added" section for details.
In order to allow for the new configuration features, compatibility with old configs (pre-1.3.0) has been dropped.
New config files will be generated when updating to 1.3.0 (old files will not be deleted, but will no longer be used)
Moved display updating from using the Bukkit scheduler to using a scheduled executor. This allows displays to update at the same rate even when the server is lagging.
Many config options were moved around in this release, and some new ones were added. For this reason it is recommended to delete the config.yml before updating.
Added '/ping', '/ping [username]', and '/ping all' commands.
/ping all, /ping [username]:
Add CPU and Ping modules for display in tab menu/action bar.
Added '/memory' command (aliases '/mem' and '/ram') to view information about the memory pools of the server jvm. The output and usefulness of this command will vary greatly depending on garbage collection type and settings.
Fixed '/tabtps reload' to actually reload the plugin settings.