- Added new stats system
- Added a new cosmetics system
- Added a new coin system
- Added model factories
- Added loaders factories
- Added api, addons-api modules
- Added lite version of the library (without addons system)
- Added ModelUtil (class to find fields to models' system)
- Added IgnoredFileds annotation (Thanks to this annotation you can ignore all class's fields)
- Fixed issue with useDataBase option in PluginConfiguration
- UserStatsImpl, UserCosmeticsImpl, UserCoinsImpl, ArenaFileLoader, AbstractArenaFileLoader marked as deprecated
A few words about new systems.
From now the stats, cosmetics, and coin systems work with an Adapter design pattern, thanks to this systems are extendable very easily.
From now these systems support YAML files, when using a database is disabled.
Creating users is the same for all these systems.
How to create new users, thanks to new systems?
Code (Java):
UserCosmetics userCosmetics
= MiniGame.