I chose this command structure, because if you want to use the commands coming with your default Economy Plugin don't get overwritten and you can prefer to use them, instead of the much more simple commands of 'System'.
added PaidCommands
if you want to add an economy to your server you have the option to let pay for using a command
I've added a config, so you can define the price of each command by yourself
in later versions you can define which ranks should have to pay for commands and which not
added TabComplete to some commands
as a first test, i've added tab complete to certain commands.
in later versions i want to add them to every command
added UpdateChecker
since i've started to work on System more frequently, i've readded the Update Check, so you get notified if a new version is available
/back is now using the new ConfigAPI to handle file deletion and creation
/speed is now using the new ConfigAPI to handle messages
The DeathListener is now using the new ConfigAPI to handle messages - one of the last
fixed message output for /speed fly and /speed walk
fixed placeholder output for /speed - now it is showing the correct walk and fly speed instead of the input number
fixed usage output for all commands
fixed permission output for all commands
economy system didn't checked if it's enabled in config or not
moved /chatclear to new PlaceholderHandler
moved /spawn to new PlaceholderHandler
some more fixes and corrections i've made, but didn't write all down