SuperVanish >> Be invisible icon

SuperVanish >> Be invisible -----

Advanced /vanish plugin which makes other players think that you're not on the server

[5.8.0] Layered permissions and new approach to silent chests feature
  • New approach to silent chests feature using spectator mode which also works for double chests now
  • sv.use and sv.see are now layered permissions
    • A higher or equal level of sv.see overrides a lower or equal level of sv.use; A higher level of sv.use overrides a lower level of sv.see
    • Format: sv.use.level1, sv.use.level12, etc; sv.see.level1, sv.see.level43, etc
    • Example: If player1 has sv.use.level3 and player2 has sv.see.level3 then player2 can see player1 even if player1 is vanished, however if player1 has sv.use.level4 then player2 cant see him if he's vanished unless he has sv.see.level4 or higher
    • For example, you can use this feature to let nobody but the owner see admins but admins can still see mods and mods can see each other
    • sv.use and sv.see without any level still work and both are level 1
    • Players with sv.* and/or supervanish.* have access to sv.use.level1 and sv.see.level1 by default
    • Opped players or players with * perm have access to sv.see.level100 and sv.use.level100 and can therefore see any player and can not be seen by any player who hasn't got sv.see.level100
    • Maximum level: 100; Higher levels don't work
----------, Jun 30, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 893,817
First Release: Oct 3, 2014
Last Update: Aug 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
218 ratings
Version -----
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