SuperLuckyBlock | The MOST CUSTOMIZABLE LuckyBlock Plugin | CUSTOM Surprises | Wands | 1.16 - 1.21.x icon

SuperLuckyBlock | The MOST CUSTOMIZABLE LuckyBlock Plugin | CUSTOM Surprises | Wands | 1.16 - 1.21.x -----

Create your own CUSTOM surprises, lucky blocks, wands, and more with SuperLuckyBlock!

3.0.0 RELEASE!
I haven't received any issue reports about the beta over the past few days so I think it is stable enough to release.

Support for any version below 3.0.0(even the alphas and beta) have been dropped! Update ASAP. You will lose your previous configs and data but it's worth it!

Additions since BETA 1
- Added back SpongeMode. I didn't realize it was used this much. You can only activate it for the default luckyblock by setting the headowner to SPONGE (all capital letters).
- Added the ability to give luckyblocks textures from URLs(you can use heads from for example by using the Minecraft-URL: This replaces the removed HeadDatabase feature, which will still be added back at some point. Thanks @mmuziek for suggesting this and helping me with implementing this feature!

Fixes since BETA 1
- Fixed the config update system for (custom) luckyblocks. Before it wouldn't update the files.

Full changelog since 2.18.3
- Worldedit and PlotSquared features now work on 1.13. They will still be working on 1.12.2 and below(unlike I said earlier on discord) because of a custom addon I wrote and shaded into the jar.
- Renamed plugin folder from SuperLuckyBlock-Pro to SuperLuckyBlock. (old folder will be moved to a backup folder in the new folder).
- Redesigned configs.
- PluginSettings.yml has been renamed to settings.yml.
- Messages.yml has been renamed to messages.yml(removed capital letter).
- Surprises.yml and CustomSurprises.yml have been removed. These options are now available in custom luckyblocks.
- The default luckyblock(that you normally configured via the removed files and some settings in PluginSettings) has now been moved to the luckyblocks folder. This should make things more clear.
- Custom luckyblocks got some new features.
- Surprise settings are now configurable per luckyblock.
- The custom luckyblock files(files in the luckyblocks folder) will now be updated when new values are added by me, just like the settings.yml file!
- You can now specify the number of items you want to drop when using the Items section in a custom surprise. Example can be found at the bottom of this update.
- Added PlaceholderAPI placeholder support for all configurable messages.
- Implemented a base for me to create wands.
- Added Slime Wand which shoots a slime.
- Added TNT Wand which shoots a primed TNT.
- Added Blaze Wand which shoots a blaze.
- Added Fireball Wand which shoots the configured amount of fireballs with a delay of 500 milliseconds in between.
- Added uses system for wands. Wands are now able to have an limited amount of uses before breaking.
- Added lightning wand.
- Added heal wand.
- Added LuckyBlockUtils#getLuckyBlockItemStack()
- Added LuckyActionType enum for the LuckyActionTriggerEvent.
- Added Wand interface, can later be used to code custom wands.
- Added WandManager to manage wands.
- LuckyMiningEvent has been changed to LuckyActionTriggerEvent(change was made in a previous alpha but forgot to note).
- LuckyBlockUtils#giveDefaultLuckyBlock() has been deprecated. LuckyBlockUtils#giveCustomLuckyBlock() should be used instead.
- SurpriseUtils#pickSurprise() has been deprecated. SurpriseUtils#pickSurprise(String) should be used instead.
- Added SuperLuckyAPI#getWandManager() which contains all methods for wands.
- Added experimental 1.14 support. Most features should work but some may error. If you get any errors, please disable the feature and report it to me. I had to create a workaround because Remain hasn't been updated yet.
- Added protection against players abusing the LuckyMining system by constantly placing blocks and breaking them. This is not recommended for bigger servers as all placed blocks are stored in memory until broken or until the server restarts. Smaller servers should probably enable this in the config.
- Added %surprise% variable to broadcast and the newly added feature. This variable will be replaced with the executed surprise. The names are currently hardcoded but may be configurable in the future.
- Added actionbar on break (doesn't work on 1.14 yet).
- Added title on break (doesn't work on 1.14 yet).
- Added an option to placer the luckyblock instead of dropping it when getting a luckyblock from luckymining. This is especially useful for prison servers or servers where you can't build yourself.
- Probably some other things I forgot.
----------, May 11, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 705
First Release: Nov 5, 2017
Last Update: Oct 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
57 ratings
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