SuperLuckyBlock | The MOST CUSTOMIZABLE LuckyBlock Plugin | CUSTOM Surprises | Wands | 1.16 - 1.21.x icon

SuperLuckyBlock | The MOST CUSTOMIZABLE LuckyBlock Plugin | CUSTOM Surprises | Wands | 1.16 - 1.21.x -----

Create your own CUSTOM surprises, lucky blocks, wands, and more with SuperLuckyBlock!

Version 2.0.0-BETA-1 - Commands and CustomSurprises rework!
- Added a message option to custom surprises, this will send a message to the player after running the custom surprise.

- You can now combine the customsurprise modes! The mode option will be ignored from now on and it will just take the right options. Examples can be found in CustomSurprises.yml on a new installation or when you reset it. You can find the default CustomSurprises.yml on the plugin page.
- Reworked the commands class. It was a mess and had to be cleaned up. You won't notice anything, but it's more helpful for me.
- The Item mode now takes an unlimited amount of different items. Before it could only take one type.

- Removed the chance check for custom surprises on boot.

Known issues
- Luckyblocks placed on the wall will not give surprises on 1.13
- Luckyblocks won't stack after a reboot.

Beta information
As the latest alpha has been pretty stable, I have decided to change from alpha to beta. Some of the planned features will be added after the release of 2.0.0.
This beta should be stable enough to run on production servers, but please note that I am still not responsible for any damage done!
If I or someone else doesn't find any bugs in this beta for a few days, I will take a look at the known issues, try to fix them and release 2.0.0 as stable!
----------, Aug 26, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 705
First Release: Nov 5, 2017
Last Update: Oct 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
57 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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