SuperLuckyBlock | The MOST CUSTOMIZABLE LuckyBlock Plugin | CUSTOM Surprises | Wands | 1.16 - 1.21.x icon

SuperLuckyBlock | The MOST CUSTOMIZABLE LuckyBlock Plugin | CUSTOM Surprises | Wands | 1.16 - 1.21.x -----

Create your own CUSTOM surprises, lucky blocks, wands, and more with SuperLuckyBlock!

Version 1.41 - Custom surprise changes
- Custom block surprise. This will place the specified block at the luckyblock's location. I will add more modes soon.

- Reworked the CustomSurprises. I made it easier to add new modes and added new checks to prevent errors.

- Fixed a bug where the config would take the default values for custom surprises when you had less than 4 surprises. It took the values from the config embedded in the jar, this way you could never have less than 4 custom surprises.

Other Info
I will slowly start reworking parts of the plugin because a part of the code base is more difficult to work with right now because of how I coded it in older versions.
----------, Jul 3, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 705
First Release: Nov 5, 2017
Last Update: Oct 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
57 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
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