Thanks to iiAhmedYT for their contributions!
More new things are available in dev builds on Discord!
- Fixing paper 1.20.6 remapping
- Improve paper 1.20.5+ compability
- Initial support for 1.20.5 & 1.20.6 (1_20_R4)
- Fix color support for placeholders
- Fail siltently when setting 1.8 inventories
- Clearing crafting/cursor item when clearing inventory
- Improved how NPC (bot) data is saved
- Other minor improvements to bots/NPCs
- Improved performance by refactoring how healthbars are removed
- Fixed brackets arena sometimes not being available when a round starts
- Added separate option "disable-lobby-teleport" to completely disable SP from teleporting to spawn
- Fixed a bug caused by update checks not having a timeout
- Fixed plugin not enabling if citizens doesn't work
- Fixed blocks below water being breakable even if the bloc kwas part of the map
- Fixed SP API#forcewin with party vs party
- Fixed errors related to scoreboard scores and some spigot versions
- Fixed party friendly fire when player damages themselves
- Improved how /battlekit stickspawn checks for y coordinate changes
- Bunch of internal refactoring and other work was done