Note: This version should be stable but consider waiting at least a few days before updating if you really don't want anything to break.
It's been a long time since last update. In this update there are quite a few bug fixes, optimizations and small features.
- Fixed a weird leak when players disabled scoreboards (this should be a good stability improvement)
- All items in the arena clear immediately when reseting the arena (good for best of fights)
- Fixed <kdr> placeholder decimals
- Fixed <ffa_rollback> placeholder
- Fixed next inventory item in some fights
- Fix some database stuff (constraints/indexes)
- Fixe elo_rank if out of ranges
- /duel <player> [rounds] now works as expected (sends the bestof duel message)
- Fix bow health, back button, typos, bot errors, some other placeholders, fix #forceWin method in some fights, fix /battlekit give <kit> [player]
- Fix juggernaut total players (API and some placeholders)
- Bunch of other minor fixes
- Optimized some database queries
- Top stats are cached. Top stats will work fine even without SQL database
- Autosave stats only if they have changed
- Removed player kit autosave (not needed because kits are saved when edited)
- Optimized all server placeholders and some player placeholders
- Other minor optimizations
- Added "/arena seticon <arena>" for the map selector
- Added "bot-kb-amount-upward-min" to set minimum kb for the bot (defaults to around 0.25). The "bot-kb-amount-upward" is the maximum kb and "fix-bot-kb" must be set to true for these settings to take affect.
- Non official support for 1.16.4 servers (good luck trying)
- Autocomplete most (admin and party) commands
- Added ffa-countdown in the config. Set to -1 to disable. Added <ffa_fight_total> placeholder for players in all ffa fights.
- Experimental arena reset: enable with "experimental-block-updater: true", disabled by default and might cause blocks to be left in the arenas.
- Now spectators get the inventory messages in all fights
- Players will now spectate brackets and sumo after they die (by default)
- Deleted bunch of unused code
- Some code cleaning
- Removed tablist support. You can purchase StrikeTab addon for a better tablist (7€, contact: Toppe#4670 on discord or pm me here, source included). The previous tablist only supported 1.7.10 clients on 1.7.10 servers and was laggy. You can still use older version or other tab plugins.
- Added battlekit type "none" for convenience
- Refactored queue and arena reset
- Added some methods to Fight interface (#getOpponents, #getTeammates)
- Added "PartyFight" interface that has #getParties, added a way to get event types/names easier in PvPEvent[End|Start]Event and some other nice things in the API (use the plugin as a dependency for up-to-date API)
- FFA arenas reset faster than other arenas and ffa fight scoreboard uses the fight update delay instead of the lobby delay
- All fights should support cages (place stained glass around the spawnpoint but not below, the plugin will add and remove the floor). The cage will also work if you die in bedwars
- Horses now get armor
- Some tweaks to the bots
- Better /arena list [all | filter]
- Updated default config. A copy of the default config is now copied to the plugin directory automatically.
- Increase duel request expiration to 30 seconds. You can now invite players to party multiple times.
- Some other minor changes
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