- Parkour! /battlekit parkour kitname and place a pressure plate in the finish line
- Map Selector! Choose the arena for the fight
- Added rematch-item to easily challenge your opponent again
- Added fight statistics to the post match inventory preview (hits, combo potions, thrown, missed and potion accuracy)
- Added fight duration limit. See the config.yml and messages.yml below.
- Added max block changes per fight (5000 changes maximum, can't be configured at the moment). This is to prevent players from building anything that would cause arena reseting taking too long or lag
- You can configure the settings item slots now.
- Performance improvements
- Fixed a few things
Note: Wanted to get this update live before Christmas and due to tight schedule there might be some bugs with the new features
New in
messages.yml (
You must add these! Line doesn't matter, just under the main language, "english" by default)
Code (Text):
#This message is sent when the fight has 20% of max duration left
#for example if the limit is 20 minutes this message is sent every minute for (20*0.2 = 4) 4 minutes before the match ends
fight-duration-limit: '&cThe fight duration is limited to <limit> minutes. <left> minutes left of the match.'
#sent if the fight exceeds the fight-duration-limit
fight-duration-force-end: '&cThe fight exceeded fight duration limit and was stopped!'
New in
config.yml (you can add these if you want to. Line doesn't matter but you should find "fight-inventory" and "player-settings" already there, copy the new things there)
Code (Text):
#should players get an spawnitem to duel the opponent again
enabled: true
#after how many seconds will the spawnitem be removed
remove-after: 10
#the slot (0-8)
slot: 8
#the item
==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
==: ItemMeta
meta-type: UNSPECIFIC
display-name: "\xa7a\xa7lRematch <opponent>"
enabled: true
title: '&bSelect Map'
==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
type: WOOL
==: ItemMeta
meta-type: UNSPECIFIC
display-name: "\xa79\xa7lRandom Map"
#Find this in your config
- '&dHits: &e<hits>'
- '&dLonges combo: &e<combo>'
- '&dPotions Thrown: &e<potions_thrown>'
- '&dPotions Missed: &e<potions_missed>'
- '&dHealing Accuracy: &e<potion_accuracy>'
#In minutes, for all fights
fight-duration-limit: 20
#Find this in your config
inventory-size: 27
title: '&a&lSettings'
language-item: PAPER
language-name: '&eChange Language'
language-slot: 14
duel-requests-item: BLAZE_ROD
duel-requests-name: '&eDuel Settings'
duel-requests-slot: 12
scoreboard-item: BOOK
scoreboard-name: '&eToggle Scoreboard'
scoreboard-slot: 10
hide-players-item: SLIME_BALL
hide-players-name: '&eToggle Player Hider'
hide-players-slot: 16
#Default values for each setting
scoreboard-disabled: false
hide-players: false
duel-requests-disabled: false
admin-scoreboard: false
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!