StrikePractice – 1v1, 2v2, Bots Fights, PvP Events, Parties, Build fights and more icon

StrikePractice – 1v1, 2v2, Bots Fights, PvP Events, Parties, Build fights and more -----

Customizable and affordable practice plugin with many features!

Update - 2.0.0
- Added message when someone starts spectating your match. Use 'false' if you want to disable it
- Added bow health feature. 'bow-health-kits' means the kits, use '*' for all kits, otherwise separate the kits with a comman
- Added 1.13 support, although it hasn't been tested much yet
- Added spectator scoreboard
- Made the 'unlimited' message on scoreboard configurable in the config.yml. The message shows if the player has more than 1000 ranked or unranked matches left
- Fixed bugs
- SPECIAL: StrikePractice Web is now available! Demo & more:
- StrikeLeaderboards is now available for free!

messages.yml (you must add these)
started-spectating: '&e<player> &6is now spectating your match!'
stopped-spectating: '&e<player> &6is no longer spectating your match!'
#<player>, <hearts>, <hp>
bow-health-message: '&e<player> &6is now at &e<hearts>!'

#add this under "scoreboard:" just like "default" and "party-vs-party" etc
#spectator scoreboard is a bit different and tries to "fix" itself automatically
- '&8&m------------------------'
- '&6Spectating - &e<arena>&6 - &e<kit>'
- '&6Round: <round>/<total_rounds>[display=<is_bestof>]'
- '&6Your Team Left: &e<own_team_left>&6/&e<own_team_members>'
- '&6Enemy Team Left: &e<enemy_team_left>&6/&e<enemy_team_members>'
- '&6Fight duration: &e<duration>'
- '&8&m------------------------[display=!<is_party>]'
unlimited: 'unlimited'
bow-health: true
#* means all kits
#otherwise separate them with a comma, for example 'builduhc, sg'
bow-health-kits: '*'

New placeholders
<is_ffa> - use [display=<is_ffa>] to have ffa only lines.

Please report all bugs with the new features. Some of the features haven't been tested that much yet.
----------, Aug 14, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,075
First Release: Sep 16, 2017
Last Update: Sep 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
342 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings