StrikePractice – 1v1, 2v2, Bots Fights, PvP Events, Parties, Build fights and more icon

StrikePractice – 1v1, 2v2, Bots Fights, PvP Events, Parties, Build fights and more -----

Customizable and affordable practice plugin with many features!

1.5.0 update - French language, automatic kit creation, party discord and more
- Added french language support. You can stop the server and delete the languageitems.yml so the language is displayed in /lang
- 1000+ ranked/unranked matches placeholder will display as "unlimited"
- Fixed a few bugs as always
- If scoreboard: enhanced-performance or performance-mode causes scoreboard errors try adding this
avoid-errors: true
- [BETA] /battlekit create will automatically generate the kit based on its name
- Added /party discord and /party setdiscord
You can change the links in the config:
- 'link 1'
- 'link 2'
----------, May 2, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,075
First Release: Sep 16, 2017
Last Update: Sep 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
342 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings