StreamingDrops - Twitch Drops for Minecraft Server | Streamer & Content Creator Integration icon

StreamingDrops - Twitch Drops for Minecraft Server | Streamer & Content Creator Integration -----

Get drops for watching Minecraft Twitch streams from your favorite streamer | Content Creator

StreamingDrops Version 2.0
Streaming Drops v. 2.0
Attention: Some things have changed in the configuration. Please read the patchnotes!

Change Log:

Added m ultiple commands per drop. Use " | " (pipe) for the next command
+ Added new command /sd report for faster support
+ Added new update checker
+ Added special drops for each streamer
+ Added
more messages to logging which player got a drop
+ Bugfix for the option " DropsOnlyForFollower"
+ Bugfix for the reset of the timer, after using "/drops give"
+ Bugfix drops amount not increased for online players
+ Bugfix
Minecraft player with op permission could send manuell drops via "/drops give" if they are live, but not listed as streamer
Changed logic for " AlwaysCommands" =>Is now always executed, even if the player is offline

Developer Comment
In version 2.0 a lot has changed in the background. In addition, more functions for more detailed configuration have been added, which were requested by the community.

One of the core functions is the change of the "AlwaysCommands", which are now also executed when the player is offline.

Also, more commands can be executed per drop. This makes it possible to give the player items or other things and notify them directly about what the player has received. You can use the command (sdprivate) for this (private message) or "sdpublic" for a broadcast message. Both commands do NOT get a prefix, but you are welcome to add it manually.

Another feature is the possibility to enable special drops for each streamer. So you can now set up that one streamer has only one special item / drop, which you can't get with the others.

Here you have to pay attention to the following:
Please keep the structure as in the example configuration. The streamer name MUST be written completely SMALL. It doesn't matter if this capital letter is on Twitch or not! If you don't want to build the structure manually, you can do this with the command "/streamer add <Twitch name>". Here the streamer is added to the streamer list and the structure is built.

If you have any questions, I'm at your disposal as always here or in the discord. I wish you much fun with version 2.0
----------, May 23, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 20,224
First Release: Apr 5, 2020
Last Update: Feb 9, 2025
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All-Time Rating:
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